Ushuaia: Living in a tourist city

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! It’s my first post in English, I hardly can say that is a second tongue for me because I don’t think I’m THAT good. So, be patient.

panoramica de Ushuaia.jpeg

Panoramic view of the city of Ushuaia, you can see Bahia Encerrada and the Andes Mountains in the background. Picture of my own.

Well, so many things happened, not even in a year, just a couple of months. Recently, I’ve moved to another state, far away from I was born and raised, literally, I moved to the end of the world.


Les Éclaireurs Lighthouse in the Beagle Channel, also known as the End of the World Lighthouse located off the coast of Ushuaia Bay, in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.

Don’t you know where is it? It’s in Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur, Argentina, the short name is Tierra del Fuego. I’ve been living here for about seven months, and I've already spent my first winter, I admitted I thought it would be really tough but I could endure it quite well. It’s said that if you can go through the winter, you will stay on the island. A sort of challenging for the body and mind, especially the last, because the daylight is just six hours and not even feel the warm of sunshine because of cloudy days, so nights can be endless.

View of Le Martial Glacier (on the right)


Path to Le Martial Glacier through the forest bordering a stream.

The city I live is Ushuaia, capital of the state. Wonderful town indeed. Surrounded by nature. It’s a place where you can go for a stroll on natural woods, climbed mountains or sail the sea.


Golondrina Bay Beach

However, the weather can be not that inviting. I remembered what locals told me, the day I arrived here, that you can experienced four seasons in just a day. I thought they were just teasing on me, but they were not. I have the (almost) honor of feeling the hot, cold, windy, snowy and rainy all the same day. It was… exhausting.


So, if you ever visit here, your wardrobe must be prepared for the staying. It doesn’t matter if it’s January, (so it’s summer here). Not! Forget that fact, you MUST bring a good coat, jacket, pants. You’re going to sail and see the Lighthouse of the End of the World on morning with such a blue sky that it's a reflection of the sea and feeling the warm of the sun and then in the afternoon you climb the Martial Glacier that it’s behind the city, and near the seashore and you’re going to be caught by snow.
So marvel and uncomfortable can be this beautiful island.


This photo was taken on a spring day, it was a pretty cold day hahaha

But if you like outdoors you’re going to enjoyed it at heart. So many places to see, walk and flight (yes, you can tour the city on helicopter which is a bit expensive but it’s worthy). But, there are a lot of things to do for free, just walking. The ups and down streets you do while you walk, it’s an excellent exercise.


View of the city from one of the streets closest to the mountains, you can see part of the distribution of the city's neighborhoods.

Keep in mind that it’s a city just planted at the base of the end of Cordillera de los Andes. Curious fact, mountains are from east to west in this part of Argentine, it’s the exception. So it’s an island where you can view Chile to south but just mountains on North. Unfortunately, I don’t have a car here, it’s a great alliance to get on out the city but I left it behind in Buenos Aires, and to be honest I can’t drive so despite I’ve got a car. I guess I could add "learning to drive" to my New Year’s resolution.


A restaurant located on the outskirts of the city, near Laguna Margarita. You can only get there by car.

Well, my dearests, that’s all for now. if you got here, thank you so much for reading (and maybe even endure my post hahaha). Take care!


Happy New Year
