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Out of the #weekend-engagement topics available, I am choosing this particular one;

What job will you be terrible at and why?

I had to think about for a while, because I do believe one can always know something so far you are willing to intentionally learn it. Well, I realized that I might be quite terrible with any job on the medical line. Trust me, I am not saying I won't exactly be cut out for the job, but then, there are just some things I might be terrible at. I am this kind of person that gets really disturbed and shaken when I see wounds or people that get hurt generally. When I see blood, my whole body will start moving a certain way and I will not get myself.

I easily get moved to tears too, I can actually imagine myself crying with a patient that is in pain. Okay, maybe I am not so sure about that, but then, I will start to imagine what it is like to be in whatever kind of pain they are in, and it will definitely get to me. To think that there was a time I used to have this dream of being a gynecologist😂🙃. Thinking of that now, I do imagine what that journey would have been like. Would I have freaked out or would I have blended in just fine? Lol, I guess I will never know. The few times I have watched where a woman gave birth, I was never able to finish watching.

I think I am too empathetic to actually do the job, but then, I do not think it's impossible. I know there have been medical students that always get scared at the start of their practicals but eventually got used to it as time went by. Maybe that can be the case for me as well, but right now, in my head, it sure feels like a very hard job to do.

Thanks for reading❤️

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