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As much I know that I won't be saying this same thing in the next couple of weeks or months, I still wouldn't miss the chance to say 'sorry, can't relate' to this prompt😂. I have not entered the work force and I am not even a student anymore. Maybe I would have been able to throw tantrums about how school was stressing me and it all feels like a tedious job and that I need like a never ending vacation. Everyday literally feels like holiday, as per, being a fresh graduate 😌.
And before you think I am entirely jobless, I do have something I am doing. I run my online business, but obviously, it's not like a typical workspace where you don't get to be the one that set the rules. Sometimes, I wonder how it will be like; entering that work force. I'm not even sure if that is what I want for myself, I do like to fly free. Well, I know I will figure that out eventually.

However, I think I can imagine how it feels like to have to job and show up everyday, even on days you don't feel like. If I were to put myself in the shoes of a worker or just pretend I have a job for now, I think I will really love holidays. Taking a break from a job that already feels like an everyday routine sounds so cool. So, first of all, I would really want Friday to join the actual weekend when we don't have to go to work.
After a week of serious and intense deliveries at the place of work, Fridays should then be a day to unwind, relax and have fun. A lot of people use Saturdays to do sanitation, prepare for the next week, shop, and do all the things that were unable to get done during the course of the week. Sundays, you'll go to church and then get nervous that Monday is just tomorrow and you are about to begin another cycle.

You will agree with me that weekends are way too short! It's Friday and before you know it, it's Monday again. Or Maybe work should start on Tuesdays, a lot of people dread Mondays so much. Okay, maybe that's too much to ask, but Fridays at least🥺. Work for 4 days and rest for 3 days, it will be way more balanced that way. Okay, to not sound as if I am trying to be lazy, I kind of found a theme for Fridays, so it will make more sense to add it to actual weekends. Guessssss....
Mental awareness day or mental health day or something else that is catchy😂
Just a special day dedicated to workers to appreciate them and encourage them to get their sh*t together and feel mentally strong. I think this will help firms exceed more, because you know, every worker is okay and delivering the way possible.
Anyways, this should better be a thing already, by the time I join the work force😌🤲 Thank youu❤️