Ideas for Hive: make the future easy


I could make another post about the books that I am reading or edit the short film that I am thinking of making about my personal view on the latest Hivefest. I could put snapshots of myself in the best moments that I had in Croatia. I could. I warn you that this post is a bit longer, with not many fancy pictures to keep your attention and it will require some mental agility and genuine interest in new ideas for Hive that might not be what you expect. This post will require the activation of your crazy imagination. So grab a good drink or exit right now.

Will my smile be enough to want to read such a long post?
Photographer @jarvie


Do you know what is the best feeling in the world that a person could have? You can assume that the best feeling happens when you get rich, when you get married/divorced, when you have your own child etc. I think that one of the best feelings in the world is to be able to scratch when you have a really bad itch. If the social norms allow it , we all know how good that scratch can feel in some places. Itchy Itchy get your Scratchy right now.

I felt a mental itch at Hivefest and I literally could not sleep until I wrote about it. In my analytical oven some ideas got cooked. I just feel that an article about some of the things that are going through my mind about Hive might be more useful than my usual tackling of my choice of content. I could sob and write about the huge load of unprocessed trauma that a recent loss I had triggered in me. But it would not help me or you that much. My hope is that some of these ideas are actually worth a second thought and maybe they could help the community. If they don’t, discard them immediately just as a pigeon discards from the sky the tasty bread he had 10 minutes earlier. Yuck, but you get my point.

I think that the world is going towards digitalization much faster than we might be ready in terms of strategy. You can see huge store chains incentivizing their clients to download the app, scan the code and see some promotions. The days of passing your fidelity card to the cashiers are soon to be forgotten. It might sound crazy but I strongly believe that in the future companies will think about strategies of making clients access their app’s in their free time by offering them discounts and by making everything into a game. Play and win a real discount for food and daily groceries. Glued to a screen and ready for the dopamine rush ...sounds like a sad life but a lot of people are already doing it without any win. Or wait.. Am I missing something?

Let me go back to the day before the Diocletian Palace conference. I had a really interesting morning at that time. I imagined a future where every car moving in traffic had a scannable QR code with a Hive logo. Find me here. Scan and connect with any user that wants to be found. I talked about my vision with @jarvie because I could not hold it just for me, it was the beginning of my itch. The QR code was on everyone’s windows and it was so common. It looked like a matrix with different glimmering users shining in the vast crowded traffic. Sounds crazy or too optimistic? Maybe I am again missing something. This vision I had was inspired by the awesome art gathered through data by @gtg. Imagine a virtual universe where you can be tracked in real time and see what Bob, your neighbour, posted today and the simple act of seeing that is as common as drinking your coffee.

Let’s return to the huge chain stores. They are huge and make tons of money because their marketing strategy talks to the people. It is simple. I think of a blockchain for the people where the onboarding process can be shown and done by a 8 year old. Attention span is something all companies are fighting for. In the context of the current times my assumption is that the competition will be more fierce: people become less and less able to hold focus for more than a couple of seconds. Hitting them hard emotionally is a must. Maybe I sound like a typical marketing person when I say that it is not about the intricacy of the blockchain that people will be interested in but about what’s in it for them. Keep it simple and deliver quickly. You’re 3 seconds too long. Bye .So very sorry. Neeext!

The idea is that I think of my own onboarding process that happened in 2020. As the pandemic hit everyone was worried. The main cause of worry was money and a possible loss of the job. I was introduced to this platform in a very simple way: “Hey! There is this website where you can post about stuff that you do and you can make some simple money, it might not be much at first but it can help you in real life. You might as well try”. How long do you think it took me to ponder? Not much. My attention was hooked: simple message, simple process, good outcome. No brainer. Only after a long time I was able to look a bit deeper and find out about what makes a blockchain be better : ownership. Not in a million years I would have imagined that 4 years later I would attend to a meeting with the people from this platform and all of this because I posted my thoughts in the digital ether. I was fortunate to have been introduced to it and my hard work took me where I am now. Onboarding was stupid simple because somebody else guided me through it. I could not have done it on my own in 2020. Question: can someone do it on their own in 2024?

I think that when you want something badly sometimes tunnel vision can happen. We want people to find out about the amazing truth about ownership and how cool a blockchain is that perhaps the key point is missed: making onboarding stupid simple.

I did wonder how it would have been to have had huge banners with QR codes that could direct everyone who was new onto an onboarding platform : (don’t you dare typing this on Google). Think of the possible people at the conference that had no idea what we were talking about...those were missed opportunities. In my imagination the onboarding platform allows any user to make his first post by using less than 150 characters. Automatic tags like letmeintroducemyself, onboarding, newusers will be added and the community will have some sort of mechanism to reward instantly such post in order to show the user those first few cents ( “it’s not much , but it can help you in real life”…) No need to have Hive power or someone else in the system to help you out. DIY baby straight into the crypto land! Ding ding we all are hit by dopamine when we see that dollar sign. We can put an option of referral when we onboard them or leave it blank. The idea is to make the onboarding one thing and the focus on ownership another. Maybe a button with “Collect your rewards here” directing them to a page where everything is explained about keys, ownership, cashing out can be another add- on. I am sure that once John Doe sees some money gathering up he will want to find out more.

I think in terms of very simple .I think in terms of taking a stranger at Hivefest 2025, someone passing by, making them scan the code and posting their first article in less than 5 minutes. Can it be done? Could someone use their Facebook, Instagram or Google account to join the marvellous crypto platform? Could institutions like schools use this onboarding process to join and see real results from posting? Imagine how motivating it would be for parents to start blogging if they know that this way of using their phone could fund their child’s education.

Once I went to this path of thinking all of my brain started to sizzle with ideas like fireworks on New Year’s Eve. Time for the fizziest ideas of them all. Ready?

Let me go back to the bag of Hive goodies. Very nice. Very posh. How about digital functionality? Maybe I am inventing a new term in here. For me digital functionality is the quality of an item to send you to a digital platform where you can track and be tracked by people with whom you share common interests. Example: cars which have a QR code for ordering their pizza, carpet shops that have the same code directing you to their website where you can order etc. You get the point. the bag. How would it have been to have a sticker with my personalized QR code that will send you straight to my Hive profile? Yes, Instagram does it, why shouldn’t we?

Now the craziest ideas of them all ( drums rolling….) and boy I must tell you that I really like this one even if you might think by now that I am a hell of a crazy Aquarius woman. Maybe my ideas are really crazy, I know that @nonameslefttouse could have an accurate assessment of the craziness of everything that I am writing here as he is also quite a creative writer. Maybe @acidyo who is an experienced and dedicated person for the Hive ecosystem could tell me that I am really on fantasy land on this one. Possible reality or just another crazy fantasy?

The keychains. Look in the Hive bag. The cute black and red accessories that maybe you have already tucked into your closet or maybe you use them. Their digital functionality? None. How about something good like….wireless connectivity between users? I do not speak code and there are experts like @arcange, @vaultec, @techcoderx and maybe other people doing this stuff that might find a way around this.

Let me tell you my dream: what if two users who hold their keychains close to each other can automatically follow each other and connect on Hive without opening their phones? Yes. How about that? I do not know what kind of mechanism one device must have but boy I tell you that if Facebook could find a way for more people to follow each other and connect even when they are not using the app...they would do it. The concept is scalable to any platform. Imagine the amount of time that you win. In order for me to follow you and you to follow me we both need to: pull out the phone, connect to data, log in, search by username, click follow. A lot of steps! The future of digital functionality is all about making stuff happen fast and efficient. Call me crazy but if anyone could invent such a device I put my bet on it that Apple, Facebook, Instagram..they would all invest in a technology offering their users an extra alternative to have with them to connect with others. More people connecting...more traffic...more money. The physical keychain could be recharged in order to flicker with red light when follow me- follow you process has been successful. Talk about visual impact…

I imagine that such a device can also be solar charged as well if the design is well thought. Now the utopian vision of cars with Hive stickers being all over the place is not so crazy anymore if every user has a keychain that has enabled his networking process increase by tenfold. We all have been that person that once upon a time received a business card or someone told us how to find them and we did...nothing with that (ooops!). Nothing. Why? It was unconvenient and not so easy to remember. Humans are comfortable creatures. Give us wireless anything and we will take it (sorry but for making babies you really need contact, we can't wireless that..catch up later in 3025 and maybe we can do something about it).

I think that a product like blockchain needs to be made simple in order to reach the masses. Blockchain is a technology but if we think about the masses it must be looked at as if it is a product. Banks are trying to get into the game of crypto and I think that the win (of users) will belong to those who make the onboarding process stupid simple. And this is not because people do not have the mental capacity to understand but just because we now live in an era where the easiest thing has to be dangled first in order to get to the gist of it all later. Ownership is great. But ask anyone whose stomach is growling what would they prefer: instant 1 dollar in their sight or ownership of whatever they are posting? We all know the (digital) answer to that.

P.S. I did dare. I did search on Google. Damn.



Thanks for sharing with us! Hive is made of amazing people and that's why we love it! :)

!discovery 30


Some great ideas here, and it sounds very logical. Simple always wins.



I just felt the impulse to share them and hopefully some might be used by people who know the intricacies of blockchain better than me, thank you for stopping by:)


Actually, that wasn't search on google, but requesting /onboarding path from (and that's why you get this error about page that doesn't exit because it doesn't exist).
But let me fix that for you.
Now it should work and take you to the actual onbording page :-)




Thank you so much for making the time to read through this and oh my what a lovely surprise my own QR code, I will have this on the next Hivefest as it will be so much easier to connect and search others by this rather than by nickname:) Yoohooo!


Other years our lanyard nickname tags had our QR code. You could meet someone and scan there name tag, everyone you scanned was in your hivefest app. For me it was an amazing way of keeping track of who you met. As you could look up, follow and explore there posts later at your leisure. Not sure why it didnt happen this year?




You have already used the number of tips you had for the day. Please try again tomorrow or buy more LOH tokens to send more tips.


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@creativemary, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.


You have some good ideas here! Many people have wanted the onboarding process improved, but you offer solid ideas about how to do it! 🙂

"In my imagination the onboarding platform allows any user to make his first post by using less than 150 characters."

InLeo's Threads allow people to do this, already, to quickly sign-in to a "lite" Hive account using their X (formerly Twitter) or Google credentials, then begin posting short-form content to Threads immediately. However, your auto-tags idea takes this a step further! Kudos! ✨ The "lite" account can easily be converted to a full Hive account when the user is ready to claim their Keys at a later date.

"...scannable QR code with a Hive logo. Find me here."

Several people on Hive are already using these, so here's one for you, too! 💜



Hey! Thank you for the appreciation of the ideas. I think that blockchain would be a better force if all would stand united and share knowledge about making the user experience as smooth as possible. So InLeo could collab with Hive with Peakd and other platforms and overall it would be a huge win for everybody.
I was wondering if the QR code is something that is missing just for me, I thought about it because I saw how difficult it was for me to read all of the nicknames and trying to remember them at Hivefest.Maybe on the next one everybody could have a scannable QR code as it would make instant connecting easier.

However, your auto-tags idea takes this a step further! Kudos! ✨ The "lite" account can easily be converted to a full Hive account when the user is ready to claim their Keys at a later date.

Precisely! Onboarding is the simple platform which makes posting easy and tempting. Just like in a game you have to option to level up and see what ownership is all about. But if a simple onboarding platform would exist it would be easier for people to check it out. From a user's experience handling them all of the information about keys, ownership, hive power, the need to have some delegated to be able to my opinion, it might be too overwhelming for most people who have no knowledge about crypto and blockchain.

In fact I was dreaming about the possibility of every blockchain related website to have this simple onboarding platform: peakd/onboarding, inleo/onboarding, etc. etc. My intention is about a vision of blockchain for the people. So easy to access that everyone does it.


" was for me to read all of the nicknames and trying to remember them at Hivefest.Maybe on the next one everybody could have a scannable QR code as it would make instant connecting easier."

That is an excellent idea! Perhaps @roelandp can have a QR Code printed on the name badges, under the username! Good thinking!


Could someone use their Facebook, Instagram or Google account to join the marvellous crypto platform?

feel free to click on the link and try it out. not sure how the keys are distributed now as last time i used it to make an account was probably 2 years ago.

auto follow is something that does not sound great to me. it is a blockchain transaction and if i am not willing to spend 20 seconds to follow you while i am talking to you in person, i probably don't want to follow you 😁

you probably seen picks shared by Violetta at first day dinner. it is NFC and it is pretty cheap. you can get it as a card or even as a "sticker" and put any link on it.


I do not know how complicated it would be and also how safe to be able to do the autofollow for users who have an account on any platform. But it would make connecting so much easier and device-free.
I believe that most people do have the intention to connect but the current society makes it so easy to be hectic and all over the place. And when two people meet and talk about 1000 things they might end up forgetting to connect and search each other after their username. I feel that human attention span when it comes to new things is decreasing and speeding up the process by using novel technology is something that could help.


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what if two users who hold their keychains close to each other can automatically follow each other and connect on Hive without opening their phones?

Could put an NFC chip in the keychain like what Violetta did with her guitar pick. Tapping the keychain would open the desired blog and from there it's one tap to follow.


So the keychain could contain the chip so when two keychains would come in contact with one another it would allow the both members of the platform to follow each other. When the process is successful a red light could blink from the inside of the keychain (that would look pretty cool) It would be awesome to see that in action but I think that the very simple interface for the onboarding platform is the way to achieve that as members first have to be on Hive in order for the keychain process to happen.


I don't think just tapping two keychains together will work without tapping it on the phone as there needs to be a way to submit the transaction. When not logged in, the frontend should prompt a signup/login/connect wallet modal when trying to follow or perform any other actions.


Interesting article, enjoyed reading your thoughts, couple of things that struck me

Could someone use their Facebook, Instagram or Google account to join the marvellous crypto platform

I shun these places, who really wants to see pictures of someones dog/baby/what they are having for tea, posted to get a cosy warm feeling when they get a thumbs up. I know a couple of fb users who my guru onboarded, they lasted about a month, because they were too lazy to put in the effort to entertain and amuse people on here....yet I believe they still inhabit the cia website looking for that instant warmth. To my mind a Hivian is of a different mindset, dedicated and happy to engage. Difficult to find, are we aliens?

I think that a product like blockchain needs to be made simple

yes please, as someone who doesn't have an interest in technology it is rather complex. As for crypto and what to do? way above my pay scale.

need three books: "JARGON/ACRONYM Buster for dummies" "hive blockchain for dummies" "crypto for dummies"

Ho Hum


As funny as it might sound I do believe that a book crypto for dummies is not a bad idea after all lol. When it comes to mass adoption complicated things have a difficult time to enter the market. I guess it depends on where do you want to go and how big the vision is. I understand your view on the social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, yet they have the biggest database with active users. Do most people use the platforms for an ego boost or to entertain others or to forget about their real life ? Of course. But that is not the point. Some people enter the supermarket to buy food and make a great life out of it and some enter to buy alcohol and ruin their lives. The supermarket does not care . The supermarket just is. The goal of it is to get as many people and to retain them as clients. Should the blockchain be any different if it wants to be useful for the people?


Nice analogy re supermarkets.

It would be interesting but virtually impossible to get a census of hive members by age group, I bet there are virtually no millennials or gen Z ( I want it yesterday, without having to put in the effort) types, as opposed to mature types who believe that you get rewarded for the efforts you put into life. Old Skool.

Hard work pays dividends, I reckon


The longer I am on Hive the more I doubt that Hive can be "just another social media" where you can register and make a post in 5 minutes. Because as soon as we start talking about reward for a post it comes to a quality content. To a value for the community. 300 friends? 5000 friends? Can we manage all their posts/thoughts/photos and not go crazy?

Also, where there is money, there is a discussion about security and vulnerabilities. Scanning and connecting without my consent and understanding of what I agree to? Noway. It may sound controversial but what is a digital era? Making everything stupid simple on the one hand, and increasing general (digital) education including digital security on other hand. Can it be combined? I don't know. The more the world becomes digital, the more I encounter concerns about the protection of personal data and privacy. I don't want to receive dozens of phone calls every day from strangers, don't want to see ads every 2 posts.

An easy start is not only about the simplicity but also about UI/UX (this was talked about a lot on the first day), and their reliable work without bugs. Newcomers will not go on if they see a crashing app. Someone must do this, and this work must be paid.

Obviously, we need to develop a balance between simplicity and security. It looks like an eternal topic for discussion ))


Nobody wants a crashing app. Improving anything requires first a vision and then money. I think that digital education is the key. I do not see simplyfing the onboarding process as a way of making Hive another social media , I see it as a benefit for the people. There are so many people who could improve their life and also add value to this platform and they have no idea about it. I think of the people. If blockchain will become simple in terms of making itself understood by the simple people then it will rule the world. I talk about a vision for the future and it will take time, money and people who go against the norms.


Hive has room to grow to improve user experience. I agree with this.


In the beginning I was wondering: What if I dare to google it?..
Thanks for just sharing your thoughts. I remember all people that I helped to get into Hive and how this helped them in their economies, and aso the way it helped me to become an artist. But I also thing: those people are actually a few people.
I am a teacher and I always imagine what I could do to intersect art, blockchain, education, economy; to onboard a big group of people, to see these people making something I can't even imagine. And I really don't know how to start...


Oh Alejandra it is so valuable to never forget the people who helped you be on Hive. I will never forget either. We could not have made it on our own and this is a blind spot in the onboarding strategy long term.

I feel what you want to say. You are a teacher so you know the value of instilling a great vision for the future in people. Imagine if the place where you are working would have an official Hive account. Imagine a parent's community engaged with the school. Posts about what is happening would bond people and also help education, any little reward would count and make a real difference. I think that it would open the windows for the masses. I can imagine institutions joining the blockchain and people following them . They already do it on social media with no gains. It is not because people are foolish, they just do not know. And even if they would...could they onboard on their own? Could they do it without the help of anyone else on Hive? Education is difficult and you know it yet if it is made simple and clear , slowly, very slowly, it sticks to the hungry minds. I feel you, I do not have an answer to your dilemma as I would also would not know how to start if I would want to onboard big groups or institutions.

I thought of it like this: if schools would want to join blockchain they would need so much guidance, someone would have to explain. On a national or even international level it would be overwhelming. But making the process as automated as possible with information served in portions it would help. Of course that for this you need developers, coding, money etc.. I just wanted to share the vision of a dream where the blockchain could be indeed for the people. Thank you for taking the time to read.


I love the idea of the keychains having a use case. A little chip that keeps track of everyone you met at hivefest that you can follow later.



A little after the race ride adrenaline joy photo


I suggest to check this one out guys huge airdrops, it will go live in early 2025.
