War in Ukraine must stop, Africa’s delegation leader Ramaphosa tells Putin


Hello Deep Dives platform!

Africa leaders have taken the lead to ensure that the war in Ukraine ends as soon as possible and this is because of the untold hardship the war has brought to the entire continent of Africa. The question is, does African leaders have what it takes to bring the warring states to the negotiation table or this is done to open up more avenues to steal aids meant for their suffering masses. I can't tell for now just stay tuned and read this news.


18th-century Konstantinovsky Palace, meeting venue for the African peace initiatives for the war in UkraineSource

The African delegation to Ukraine on Friday, including leaders of Senegal, Egypt, Zambia, South Africa and the Comoros, although the Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said that We need real peace, and therefore, a real withdrawal of Russian troops from our entire independent land.

This is a very difficult stand and the Ukrainian government have maintained that they'll only give hears to any peace talks if Russia completely withdraw from her occupied territory.

The African delegation also visited Russia to also preach the African perspective of peace. The meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday 18 June was held at the 18th-century Konstantinovsky Palace.

The head of the African delegation South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa told Putin that the war has to come to an end because of the negative impact it's having on the entire African continent.

Putin interrupted opening remarks by African leaders seeking to mediate in the Ukraine conflict to deliver a list of reasons why he believed many of their proposals were misguided.

He reiterated his position that Ukraine and the West had started the conflict long before Russia sent its armed forces over the border in February last year. He said Russia had never refused talks with the Ukrainian side, which had been blocked by Kyiv.

“We welcome the balanced approach of African friends to the Ukraine crisis,” Putin told the visiting leaders. “We’re open to constructive dialogue with all those who want peace based on the principles of respect for each other’s interests, as well as justice.”

The major challenge here isn't the food crisis that is ravaging Africa but the ability of these exported grains to reach the poorest in the African societies. In the past food aids sent to Africa have been shared among senior members of the society and not the poor.

In Putin's words, exports of Ukrainian grain under a deal ensuring its safe passage through the Black Sea was not helping to resolve Africa’s problems with high global food prices – as only 3 percent has gone to the poorest countries.

In conclusion, I think the visitation by the African delegation to Ukraine and Russia for possible initiation of peace talks will not have any foothold. This is because, both warring states are kin to follow their own different peace initiatives. Secondly, the African delegation came in disguise of pleading for more grains to be imported from Ukraine to the African continent and once this is achieved they'll not bother if the war continues. Finally, it's a diplomatic move to show that African leaders also have something to give to the world in terms of initiating peace between Russia and Ukraine.

Note: These conclusions are my personal opinions and are not completely the general opinions of the world. If you have yours please present them constructively.




Keep posting Globalist Mainstream Media in a place where "independent investigative journalism" is made for. And keep farming the "deep dive" with cynicism for diplomacy while you do, you "earned" my vote, meanwhile I'll leave this gem here:


Muh Diplomacy..


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