The prevailing injustice in our society today
Hello Cent Platform!
Have you observed that there's an increase in the pervasion of justice in our society today? What do you think is the cause of these constant pervasion of justice?
The way I'm hearing about corruption from public office holders and even amongst business owners in there various business place.
What is pervasion of justice?
Pervasion of Justice is deliberately do something that will make it difficult to discover who really committed a particular crime.
I don't know about the people that are in the Northern Hemisphere but for we that are in Africa there are many injustices that are prevalent in our society, first from our leadership (government) and among people who are in our society.
Apart from government selfish policies that helps them embezzle public funds and other things that are meant for the development of the society for the betterment of the general populace, we also have the judiciary whom we see as the last hope of the common man.
Many Nigerians have lost their lands to rich politicians and businessmen in court due to pervasion of justice. Many judges in Nigeria makes bribe their normal habits.
Many are been shortchanged due to the prevailing injustices in our society. Merit isn't used as the yardstick for employment but man known man. Who knows who in the society. A society that is built on injustices can't prevail at all.
If the foundation is destroyed what can the righteous do. People needs to do the right thing from their own ends and if everyone does the right the society will become a better place to inhabit.
To serve justice is the primary duty of civil government. By failing to fulfill its task and intervening in other social spheres such as business, health, education, welfare, and others, injustice is the inevitable outcome. Kindly check Frederic Bastiat's book, The Law, and let's see what's your thoughts on it.