Seek and Discover Mural

Hello friends and Hivians. I hope all is well. As for me I have been a bit busy but Friday and Saturday I got out. It ended up being a search and discovery mission for me due to a recent mural I came across. I must say I much enjoyed doing this.


Here we have a mural I came across on Friday. It's on the wall of Erwin's Jewery located at 223 W. Mission Ave, Bellevue, Nebraska. The artist is Kelli Zaugg a local artist in the area. I couldn't find out much more on it. However, all the subject matter in the mural is still in local area. So I will share each section of the mural with the real buildings. All of them but one is in the Old Town Bellevue district.


Before we start I have to show you this bench which I found very cool. It's one of 41 different bench arts in the local area all with the title, "Plains to Planes." There are several artists involved in this series and it was done to celebrate the Sesquicentennial(150 years) of Sarphy County Nebraska. All benches were completed and auctioned in 2007. The artist of this one is Katrina Methot-Swanson.

I particularly love the steam engine locomotive train. Doesn't it look like Thomas the Train? Haha. The other elements such as the World War II aircrafts, pioneer wagons, old vintage car, farm stead and the Buffalo are cool as well. I think it is masterfully painted as a whole. Look for me to explore more of these benches and share them with you 😁



This one is my least favorite of all the sections of the mural. I don't know, I really don't see a big significance of this building in this town. There are literally hundreds of other buildings that have better looks and historical content than this plain building. It's the oldest city in Nebraska (fur traders settled here in 1822)and we have this, haha. I'm not an artists maybe I'm just missing something here. I just couldn't find its meaning, maybe it's close proximity to the mural or our artist is into performing arts of dancing??





What you see in the mural and real photos is the old Fontelle Bank building.This building was built with hand made bricks in 1856. It only served as a bank for a year. It later served as a County Courthouse than finally as the city's town hall up to 1960. It entered into the National Register of Histotic places in 1969. Despite it not really getting used long for what it was intended for (bank)it's good it got repurposed for other things and still remains standing.



What we have here is the Quarters 19 & 20 building on Offutt AFB, Nebraska. This is the one not located in Old Town Bellevue. This building was constructed in 1896 on the than Fort Crook, an Army Fort. The Fort was built to serve as dispatch point to the Great Plains for Indian conflicts. It served as officer quarters back than and today it houses highly ranked officers.

Now obviously not all can view it because access is controlled on the base.This building along with several others that were built around the same time were entered on the National Register of Historic Places in 1976. Some real classic looking buildings which I see almost every day going to work on the base.




This mural represents the First Presbyterian Church which was completed in 1858. Its one of the oldiest churches built in the state and has the claim of being oldiest one still standing. Through out the years three additions were added before it's 100 years of religious service ended in 1958. It's great its still standing and gets use. Tours can be scheduled and couples can even get hitched there.





Here we are one of the oldiest structure if not the oldiest in the state of Nebraska. This log cabin was built around 1835 by a trapper on the Missouri River flood plains. The structure has been at its current location since 1850 after moving locations twice. Originally it was just all logs as a structure.

Additions were added throughout its history. To me it takes away from its historic value but its good its still here to check out. It remained a residence until 1954. I think if it would not have continued as a residence it wouldn't be here today. What is cool it stands in a habitable city neighborhood hidden within it. It entered the National Register of Historic Places in 1970.



Here we are an older train depot. Probably my favorite of all of them. Ok I have an obsession for railroad history. This one is the oldiest surviving train depot in the state, built in 1869. It's moved two places and currently sits in Gemni Park also next to the Sarphy County Museum.

It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1970 but was removed from it when it was was moved its last time in 1987. This was due to it being removed from its purpose of being located near the railroad tracks. The depot was used for passenger and freight movements up until 1965. There is a lot more to share about this little gem as I got a personal tour of it on the inside. So I'll share that experience in a future article.

I hope you enjoyed the comparisons between the murals and the real properties. For the community this mural and these surviving properties pay tribute to the heritage of the pioneer past. It's good to see and learn from the past.

That's all I have for you today. Take care, stay safe and have a blessed time ahead. Until next time!


The locomotive looks like thomas for sure 🤣 but can't wait to see the inside of the depot. I wonder why these days people don't really do trains anymore in the US. I always find it to be car dependent society and trains are only for amusement of thing of the past.


Well the start of Amtrak here in 1972 really kind of took away from the experience I believe. Though it's available in larger cities it's not in the small towns that use to have these train depots. Quite a few small towns had them. I find it sad, this one provided transportation to and from Omaha (larger city) mostly which was about 7 miles away. I would find it cool to take a train ride to work. I missed the train by about 60 years ago, well in this area anyway.

The inside was neat but I had the museum worker with me so I didn't take as many photos as I would have liked. Just a solo tour and she was pretty chatty not only about the place but with every thing else, hehe. There is more than just the depot I was happy I decided to do this 😃


My partner sent me this video of train excursion back in Colorado and I wanted to do it when I get there. It looks really fun. Train is really fun to get by, I take trains more than flights frequently, it's stress free compared to airport.

It's always nice to have a chatty guide, you learn a lot more, not just the place but other things😄


Oh yes they sometimes bring back the old trains that do some limited trips. They had one here that passed through Omaha and went West. Some places have short tourists runs with them. I went on one in South Dakota last summer that was so cool.

Yes chatty guides can give a wealth of information. She did do that most of the conversation.


Some of it looks like I'm staring at the actual building and not just murals. They are all pretty and I'm torn which one to choose😌😬.


Some cool histiric buildings which represent a much different way of life. As long as you don't name the first one as your favorite I can see many reasons why some could be favorite, haha.



OH my God! What a nice and cute street mural! Really nice realistic paintings, and you put the real places and buildings photos, that's awesome!!! And photos reveal how much meaningful mural is! Love all the images!💖😊
Happy Sunday amigo again, and nice week too!!!


Thanks Amiga it took a little time checking out all these but it was fun. Yes the mural has even more of a meaningful feel to it to me now doing this. Plus the bench I seen will lead to a bit more of exploring. I've seen some of them online and some will be fun to see, maybe I'll even take a rest on them, jaja.



I love railroad history too, great pictures in this one! The log cabin was interesting, moved multiple times and used as a residence until the the late 50's. Amazing. Those old Army base buildings all look the same everywhere, you can always tell the more historic parts of any base by the buildings alone!


I'm big railroad fan. I guess working Logistics its expected. Its the only transportation method I don't have experience with.

Yup the log cabin moved and I'm sure both of its moves were while it was just all logs.

Yes all military installations seem to be that way, haha. This base is kind of a time capsule. Pre WWI, WWI, WWII, Cold War and current day buildings present. Buildings seem stay awhile at them.



I give you the maximum and with asterisks. This investigative work was great. The mural is very well painted and most importantly reflects local history. In addition to enhancing a facade, it has a great utility.

Great search! The buildings and the church you portrayed were far away from each other?


Thanks it was a lot of fun doing. All were under a mile away from the mural except the building on base that was about 3-5 miles away. Now one of these days I will try to track down some of those benches, jaja.


The bench is nice.

Hey, did you change the colour of your car, it was just the battery you had to change! LOL


I love the house paintings.. they are pretty... the train depot seems like an ordinary house to me. hehe


Yes these train depots were house like and small as most of them only serviced small towns. Interesting fact there was a family that lived in one of the rooms.


Great works and it's really cool to see the real buildings next to those painted by the artist. Great post... Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Have a great day


The paintings actually look much more lively and attractive then the real things! The artist did a very good job. There should be more murals.


Yes artist did a great job. There's so many murals here i can't keep up. I see them than forgot where I seen them at, haha. This is due to delivery driving so I don't always have the opportunity to take a picture of them.


You could remind yourself to take more photos more often! I would have lived to drive around just to get to see different areas of the country.


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