A Day Off Due to Forecasted Weather

Hello friends and Hivers. I had the day off today due to a suspected winter storm. I got the call yesterday around 5:00 p.m.to not report to work. We were suppose to get high winds and up to 8 inches of snow. Many schools, churches and some businesses announced their closures last night for today.


I stayed up later than I usually do the night before. I also slept in some as I was up around 6:30 a.m. this morning. After a cup of coffee and some Hiving I thought about what to do today.

Since I had nothing to do in the morning I decided to make a good breakfast. I just beat up some eggs and cooked kind of an omelette scramble. The scramble contained sausage, ham, mushroom, potatoes, and cheese. I also cooked some bacon for the side. A lot of meat but it served as breakfast and lunch.

The snow was coming down pretty steady starting around 9:00 a.m. but it was not sticking to the ground. I was going to take my dog to the Vet on Tuesday but since the roads are just wet and not slick I did it today.



My dog is an English Bulldog named Watson was excited when I put his collar on and grabbed the leash. Above he is in my car. It's either he drools on my passenger seat sitting on the floor or he jumps on the seat with his wet paws and drools on the floor. Actually he decided to do both on our way to the Vet. I should have grabbed a towel but I forgot.



Above is Watson having a seat next to me at the Vet. He was a good boy and stayed put staying in the chair until we were called back. It was nice coming here and it not being very busy.


Before going back to the room I took this picture and slogan which was on the wall. I thought the slogan was cute, "Love is a four legged word." Don't we pet owners just love our four legged friends?

Before going to the room they had to weigh him. He weighed in at 77 lbs, big boy for a medium sized dog. With his low stature and thickness it's not surprising he can bull doze through things, haha.



Once in the room I found these animated pictures illustrating pet positions and what they mean. You get both dogs and cats. Some of the positions hold true but some are just freaking hilarious.


Also in the room was this billboard which contained pictures of pets that have visited here. I guess I need to get a few pictures of Watson developed so he can shine among others. Sorry I'm bias but also there is currently no English Bulldog on it.

Anyways Watson needed to come here today for a few things. He needed an allergy shot since the weather doesn't know what it's doing. Another is he needed his nails cut down. The big issue is he has a bit of skin infection on his back. I brought him in for it a few weeks ago and it hasn't completely gone away.

Walking out the door, I think he will be much better in a few days. We love our pets and don't want to see them suffering. It was a spendy bill and hit the wallet for $348 USD. What do you do? Hey our pets are part of our family they need looked after.

Once we got home Watson crashed and I decided to do a little kitchen cleaning. I pulled out both the fridge and stove and cleaned underneath them. Something that needs done every 3 months or so.

Most of the afternoon I did some more Hiving and played some mobile games. It was a bit relaxing and I had nothing to do outside because the storm didn't manifest here. It snowed but it disappeared once it hit the ground. A lot had to do with the temperatures hanging above freezing. The roads and the ground are wet though. I hope over night it doesn't freeze than snow over the top of it.


For dinner I made a frozen pizza. I really didn't feel like cooking. Plus the College Football National Championship Game was about to start. Well the pizza was just ok and I remembered there was something in the deep freeze that would go well with the game.



A week ago I made some fried ice cream and it slipped my mind that I had one ball left. All I had to do was heat up some oil to make some cinnamon chips out of tortilla shells and than dip the cornflake covered ice cream ball in it. Once dressed up with yumminess I totally forgot about that so-so frozen pizza taste.

It's been an interesting game. At first it looked like Michigan was going to run away with it than Washington comes back. As the game came to an end Michigan pulled away winning it. I was going for the underdog, oh well can't always have a Cinderella ending.

It was nice having the day off even though nothing with the weather warranted it. I guess it was a spotty storm as some areas not far from here got hit pretty good. I look out the window now and all I really see is a little slush on the road. Things can change in a hurry here so I wouldn't be surprised to wake up to half a foot if snow. Update I'm up and it's Tuesday, 4 inches of snow on the ground currently and it's still snowing, off work again

I appreciate your time and support. Thanks for stopping by. Take care and have a great week ahead.


Up to 8 inches of snow is a joke... Would be hard to travel by car..
Your dog is cute, btw...seems like you relaxed for a bit.. You truly need some holiday more often hehe



The funny part is it didn't accumulate with snow yesterday so it was a free day off of work. Today I woke up to 4 inches of snow on ground and another day given off of work. Need to go shovel the driveway and sidewalks here soon. Hoping the wind dies down, feels cold with the wind. With the wind chill it feels like -15 Celsius. I might have to bundle up haha


It's a dilemma to feel happy or not when you get a day's off due to a bad weather. 😬 But luckily, the weather wasn't so bad and you got to take your dog to the vet. I hope Watson will feel better. Fur babies are like real babies.


Yes the day off I tried to make the best of it despite the short notice of it. Today is different lots of snow and very windy. The storm found me, haha.

Definitely Watson has his part in the family and he knows it 😊



Ohhh we see the cute Watson again 🤩 hope we will feel good and no more allergy. And it seems you had a good off day at least due to the circumstances including fried ice cream!!! 😁😛
Keep all warm!


Thanks friend the Storm found me overnight and is still kicking. Getting ready to bundle up and shovel some snow. ❄️ 🥶

Watson has been sleeping a lot but already seems likes he's doing better.



Fried what? Like this is the first time I'm hearing of fried Ice cream and I would have argued with someone if they said there is something as such.

It's a good thing you got a day off at Least you get to take your dog on a walk and also check up. I'd say your day wasn't bad at all especially with the different meals in between.


Haha I've gotten that from a few people when I say the words Fried Ice Cream. If you want to see how it's made check out the post I made on a newly created community a few days ago:

It was both a relaxing and productive day. Today I'm off again but the weather warranted it. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day :)


Nothing beats the feeling that comes with having a productive day. I hope tomorrow will be even more productive and thank you so much for sharing the recipe with me 😊


You got me a little crazy with that fried ice cream... hahaha....

Hey good thing the storm didn't come and you had the day off but not so free, dedicated to Watson and yourself. You both need it.

Hope he is doing well. And hey, I kept looking at the posters with the moods of cats and dogs, how interesting, especially the cat one because it helps me with my Yin.



You should totally try to make some fried ice cream.

Yesterday totally felt like a catch up day not having to go to work. I'm glad I brought Watson in because the roads were a mess today. It was a good day for me, I got to relax some.

Watson is better and it's like his personality is back on track 😊 Glad the pictures were of use to you for Lin 🐈. I thought the cat one was more detailed than the dog one.

Oh yawn 🥱 time for bed. See you around...


At least you got a day off, you have time to relax and rest, but not that much though, coz you have to clean and cook.. and the same time spend time with Watson❤️


It was a productive day off. I felt like I got a jump on things. Yes Watson needed some love and care. I had another day off yesterday but the storm found me, haha. Back to work today, will be busy there.

