Ramble Round Town #5
Greetings from the Kentucky State Warehouse for Criminally-Minded Children! Not really, the state prefers to warehouse children in office buildings. The building in the photo isn't even an office building, it's an old factory the gentrifiers turned into overpriced lofts.
Count this as your daily reminder to hustle and grind. Or something like that. Went wandering in no particular direction the other day, ended up meandering through a few neighborhoods that the hustlers are grinding into a bright new retro imitation of themselves.
Well, the air conditioner seems to have taken the wall literally. There's got to be a Wile E. Coyote around here somewheres.
Welcome to Muraltown! The locals call it Smoketown but there's places that seem to get a new coat of paint almost as often as the cars at Cadillac Ranch. This isn't one of those, though.
Do you think he hears his train a'coming? Don't worry, no pedestrians were harmed in the making of this photo. I've seen dead animals move faster than that train.
It eventually picked up the pace, right about the time I got interested in that derelict building with the tower atop it.
Afternoon is the best time for drinking and driving. If he'd been wearing boots they'd charge him with bootlegging for having that much Mountain Dew.
It's all good though, everybody was in high spirits. Even got stopped for another of my impromptu street portraits. Construction crew, hard at work or hardly working, it was hard to tell.
That is a sign, means my train of thought has come off the track, so that'll be enough for tonight. Remember y'all, no matter how cute they may look, do not try to pet trains.
Maybe with all the pictures you post, I can say someday that I know everywhere in Kentucky😅😅
Ha, I don't think I could take enough pictures for that 😅 We can give it a try though :D
Every time the pictures are converted to black and white like this, they become more beautiful.
Tis true. On a totally unrelated note, are you a cricket fan?
That photo is really cool because it tells the story by itself, it looks like if the man almost got hit by the train... i'm glad nothing bad happened haha
Ha, yeah, it looked like he was racing the train, except it took the train another five minutes to close the distance.
Thank you!
!giphy welcome
Via Tenor
Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!
Woot, thanks so much!