Back In The Highlands Again

Once upon a time, a decade or two ago, a young Colonel was a newly arrived stranger in this strange land known as Louisville. Still am, but I know my way around better now.

Moving from a county with just a little more than seven thousand people to one with seven hundred thousand was a wee bit of a mindfuck. Quickly discovered that most of my favorite pastimes would get the law called on you here. Or occasionally the fire department.

Took me a few years to figure out how to entertain myself without any Imperial entanglements. In the meantime I'd go a wandering on Bardstown Road in the Highlands. Was the closest you could get to the misconceived notion of city life you have growing up in the hills.

Decided it was past time for a stroll in the Highlands today. It's one of the more walkable neighborhoods in the city, which somewhat makes up for the nightmare that is trying to drive through it. Ended up stumbling upon the bastard son of a Pontiac Aztek. If that thing reproduces we're going to have to find a replacement for the tater in the tailpipe trick real quick.

Have a nasty habit of not wanting to revisit places that are already familiar. Already seen it, y'know? Doesn't amount to a hill of beans when it comes to street photography, but that can sometimes be difficult to remember. Thankfully, the Highlands are the happy hunting grounds for that and just keeps drawing me back.

Goddamnit, Jesus took the wrong wheel again. Somebody best take that damn phone away from him.

Instead of trying to focus on one particular topic and watch it disappear like a deer in hunting season, I've adopted my old approach to hunting, namely shoot whatever is in range and worry about the game warden later. Phones are always in season, so I don't have to sweat the warden as much these days.

In the Highlands it's almost as if they don't even notice what's going on, sometimes you can even get two with one shot. Currently working up to an 'On The Phone' project, there's no shortage of people on their phones anywhere in this city but somehow they make for better photos in the Highlands.

Should probably stop at this point and reflect. Or at least check your blind spots.


Hay una especie de poesía en el movimiento de la calle que tú has captado aquí. Hermoso.
Por cierto, muchas gracias por comentar mi post.


Gracias. Realmente hay, es lo que me mantiene regresando a la fotografía callejera.


That Pontiac is dope!!!
It’s so lovely!


Ha, that's not a Pontiac, that's a Tesla Cybertruck. Was just saying it was descended from this.
