The Influence Paradigm: Shifting Perspectives Beyond Money


One of the things that challenged me to believe in myself that I could achieve anything was the words my mum used to say to me. My mum never had the chance to go to school, but with her encouraging words, she always challenged me to take my studies seriously and did all she could to push me to pursue my academic goals.

I would say I have been able to get to where I am all because of the words that made me believed in myself. I was not privileged like most people born in good homes where everything they needed to sail through life was at their disposal.

I was frequently forced to leave school due to unpaid fees, which made me feel so bad to the point where I eventually made the decision to drop out. I remember how my mother would visit my school, persuade the headmaster and bursar to let me stay while she arranged payment.

She knew she didn't have the funds then, but somehow, she convinced them! This approach allowed me to remain in school despite my outstanding fees. Each time she realized that I wanted to give up, she had a way of talking to me that made me feel that whatever challenged me was just nothing.

She is someone I know could possibly convince someone to even enter into the lion's den or cage, thinking of himself as invincible, like Daniel. My mum, even though she couldn't go to school, could talk to some powerful people in government, to get my father employed after he lost his job.

Sometimes I don't know how she's able to do it, but I learned she had always used to her advantage the power of words. Lots of people believe that influence only has more to do with having more money, but I realize there is so much more beyond money.

One thing I learned from my mum was the power of words. There is so much power in words than in money; I have seen people's words paving way more for them than money. With powerful words, you can affect, inspire, persuade, educate, reform, deform and motivate.

You can shape people's perceptions; words can drive people into action, spark a revolution, or cause an uprising. It has always been advantageous tools for politicians, preachers, educators, motivators, and marketers.

Each one of us has the power of influence inherent in us. Some people have the power of beauty, which gives them an edge in many ways. I remember years back in university, many people considered one candidate for women's commissioner on mere grounds of her exceptional beauty.

One would say leading women has nothing to do with beauty, but upon reflection, beauty can be a very great attribute for leaders to influence people, to attract them and make them listen to what they have to say. The power of beauty has been a great tool for the fashion industry.

With beautiful personalities and accessories, they are able to influence trends and change consumer behavior. It's one of the powerful industries now that I find can even change people's way of life and identity. When you are gifted with good physical appearance but also personality, character, and intelligence, which all form a definition of beauty, it can always place you in an advantageous position.

We can also talk about confidence, something that is a powerful attribute. If you are very confident, you can inspire others to believe in you easily. Having an idea isn't just enough, but being confident in your ideas. One's ideas can inspire confidence in others and make them more receptive to the ideas.

Many people never get their ideas sold because of their lack of confidence. When you lack confidence in your ideas it can lead to hesitation, reluctance to share them. You can even abandon a potentially valuable concepts when you lack confidence.

Many people have been prevented from fully realizing their potential because they never had confidence in themselves. When you are confident in yourself and in your ideas you can persuade others, gain their support, and ultimately achieve success.

It's not just about money; there are many other factors that give us influence beyond financial wealth. Sometimes, we focus too much on chasing just money without realizing the untapped potential within ourselves. By recognizing our inherent qualities and characteristics, we can harness their power to achieve the influence we seek.


Many of us were not born into homes where every provision we needed was made, but we keep striving and slowly things are starting to fall in place.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece sir.


You are welcome. I have never allowed where I was born or any of my circumstances change what I could become, thanks to the many inspirations I got from my mum.


Mothers are a blessing, they just know how to handle pressure no matter how bad and they try to pass that traits to their kids.


There is so much power in words than in money; I have seen people's words paving way more for them than money. With powerful words, you can affect, inspire, persuade, educate, reform, deform and motivate.

I totally agree with you. And to some extent I believe that words can take you where money won’t be able to if you know how to make your point persuasively.

Life sometimes doesn’t give us all the cards but we can always use our Gods given gift to balance it out and get what we want — be it confidence, words or even having a pretty face 😊 as long as we don’t cause any harm or manipulate another person in an immoral or illegal way.


Thanks for the wonderful addition


I totally agree with you sir.bLack of confidence have really affected a lot of people from achieving their goal in life. Thanks for sharing


My pleasure, thanks for stopping by


Beauty without good characters, intelligent and personality are nothing. Thanks for sharing


Thanks for this wonderful piece
I'm reblogging


I really think it’s something with mothers
They are probably gifted with that
Moms can just do certain things and the you can’t even connect the dots to how they did it
Growing up it made me think my mom was actually god on earth or something close😂


Humility is another thing that can pave way for a man rather than money.I left Ghana for Nigeria when I was facing some wasn't easy for me,as I was starting life afresh but I did my jamb and post UTME exams when I got to Nigeria,I came out with flying colours in those exams but humility paved way for me.
I was sent on an errand by someone in my neighborhood,I went to execute the assignment.That was where and how I met the person who sponsored my education.


Words are indeed powerful and it is often said that it is a double edged sword that can do great harm or good. I think knowing that money is not the sole influencer of outcomes can be empowering, since we can tap into other influences to achieve our desired outcome(s).
