Money Maker or Money Drainer

Since the launch of Samsung Galaxy S24, I have had a few friends who have ordered one. Some even pre-ordered around January, and I almost found myself in the same situation because this is the dream phone I want to have. Over the years, I have been addicted to Huawei technologies and grown to love their Mate series.
@mcsamm was the one who made me love the brand. Having used their phones for about three years now, I can only say it's a good brand. I wanted to continue using the brand if not for their issues with Google. One thing always remains my decision the moment I plan to go for a new brand, which is, if I would have to pay more, then I will go for value.
As far as I'm concerned, looking out for value is what should guide everyone's decision in buying any expensive piece of electronic gadget. When I talk about value, it's what you could possibly derive from using the device. Some buy smart phones for the love of brand, and for these folks, anything bearing a brand name is a good option.
You might think that people are crazy to buy Apple Vision Pro worth $3499, but for those that love the brand, it would mean nothing to them. Love could inspire us to do anything. I wouldn't say buyers of this advanced electronic are crazy to spend that whopping sum of money but their love and the value they know the brand offers may cause them to go for it.

The fact is, brand makers think about their benefits first before they consider consumers' benefits. Manufacturers aim at generating more profits, the reason they will offer good products, build good brand name and build good customer services. In all of these, their best interest is their priority before that of their customers and consumers.
They are after the ultimate prize; the profit. After all, no one goes into business and expects a loss. Manufacturers' secret is satisfying customers' needs in order to achieve long-term success.With the value they offer us, it's important to consider how we can also reap value to recoup our used funds. We can win the same way they do if we learn more about how their products can serve our best interests beyond their intended purpose.

Let's imagine this: a situation where your smartphone isn't used only for calls and browsing social media pages, but also as a business tool that can bring you passive income. I believe that should be the reality of today's living, where every now and then, manufacturers and service providers are taking money from our coffers.
Unfortunately, a lot of people miss out on this by treating their gadgets like glorified toys. Some people buy expensive brands of phones but only use about 20 percent of their functionalities or features. "Why spend so much on something you barely make much use of? We have devices whose usage could bring us more value, but often it's just wasted usage.

It's great to see how the content creation revolution is now making people understand that their electronic gadgets can be their business tools. With platforms like TikTok, smartphone users can simply make videos, go live, and monetize their engagements. As someone who has immersed myself in the Hive world, my phone is what I use extensively since it comes in handy for me more than my laptop unless I'm doing detailed work. My time and online hustle can be rewarded, and this is one of the places where I appreciate the valuable use of my phone.
The bottom line is to look beyond the brand name and explore the features that could lead to profitable ventures. There is a big online marketplace waiting for us to showcase our ideas, and these gadgets at our disposal are the right tools to connect us. The key is to identify the skills we have and how any piece of gadget can amplify them.