A moment with me accompanied lot of smiles


if there is anything I see that is becoming a culture in Nigeria, I think that thing is education. You see in Nigeria, all household has a PhD holder but we are still having issues in our economic. But why?

I was trekking around the neighborhood today and I came across a man that was pushing his truck, I wanted to help him but he rather replied thank you, he was still pushing along, he said his fuel cut on the road, so he was looking for where to fill his tank with fuel, yet he passed the fuel station and was still pushing his truck ahead. But why?

A farmer planted a lot of crops in his farm, yet getting to harvest period, he could not find any crop's on the farm, isn't that so curious to you?, just give me some minutes and I will just tell you what I think is going on, he could not find any crop's on his farm because erosion disturbs so much that planting season and also some animals went there to uproot his crop and feed themselves. But why

A certain man in our neighborhood name his first son Jonas Jnr, while his name is Jonas, he must have love his name so much, some people when they want to call the son's name, they wouldn't add that Jnr, so yesterday Jonas wife gave birth to a baby boy, and people were totally confused, when they want to tell others whose wife deliver a baby, as it is a thing of joy to the people, people needs to give their present to the family.

Yet how was it so easy to trace whose wife really deliver a baby, *when they said, Jonas wife has delivered a baby, everyone would get confused and said, "when did Jonas got married". But why

I do not like to talked too much in our family, yet immediately, something that my parents doesn't like took place between my siblings, I would be the first person my parents would called, because they knew, as I do not like to talked too much, I would go straight to the point, then before I knew it, I will be talking too much. But why

Sometimes I will want to turned our family house into a party house, and feel free like bird, with my friends, but I will think of, "how would my parents feel about it" and what would they said about me. But Why

I will be deceiving myself that I want to take a nap in the day time, then I would go to the bed and lay there, thinking sleep would come, yet hour's and hours would passed, but I will not see a single sleep in my eyes. But why

I used to imagine, if there would be a single day without a car passing on the road, like I wanted to have that experience of knowing how it would feel, and it does happen one day, it was on sanitation day, car's were less on the road, but I began to feel somehow, as in, the absence of cars not passing on the roads began to affect me. But why

Too much rains fall I will complaint and i will pray we should have a little sunset, then too much sunset comes, I would feel somehow too, and wish for a little rain. But why

Who created this two words "But/why" in this world? Have you ever thought, if the creator was having a lot of questions to asked?

Too much of smiling, would make people to think you are too jovial and you decided not to smile a bit and people also would say, you are to mean to joke with, therefore, always be yourself, try and do away with what people would say, hmmmm... staying on your own all the times too, you would also get lonely. But why.

Your best friend can still betrayed you, depending on the circumstances. But why

You can still be lonely even when you have a bae, boo or a bestie. But Why

Thank you so much dear friends, I will stop here today. But why? Because I need to give the floor to another person to present. Thank you for reading my post, I am happy that you like my post.

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Very well said. Most times I always wondered why we have a lot of educated people but we lack the infrastructure to even make our country a better place


Things are moving from left to the right, and I still believe with time, we will get to a better ground, thanks I am happy that you like my post.


You are welcome


Let me pour you a drink, cheers.... And let the moment continue to be fabulous 😍


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