We Love Waterfalls
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to share some more pictures of waterfalls that the little man and I have explored!

We Love Waterfalls
There's one thing that the little man has really enjoyed his entire life, and it's pretty funny. Whenever we see running water, be it a roaring river or a tiny creek that's barely visible, the little man is always looking to go down and take a look! This time was no different!
I was out fishing with the dude recently and we finished up, we were heading towards where our last destination was for the day and that was the farm to pick up our food. We happened to drive past a waterfall and he shouted for us to stop and go take a look! I didn't mind obliging him, so I stopped and we went over to explore a little bit.
Before we happened to drive by that waterfall in particular, we were fishing at this other waterfall here, which definitely looks like something different than it was. It looks more like a hidden gem in the rainforest or something haha instead of something just adjacent to a neighborhood! The people who built this thing back up did a good job of keeping the land wild, so that it would continue to look like a natural waterfall in the wildnerness.
I love the look of the old stone bridge there as well, that is a cool thing to see because not only is it all these old stones but it's also standing there defiant against the river which is throwing thousands of gallons a minute over the falls, and making quite a considerable change on the landscape around it. The stones are saying, not today bud!
The interesting thing about it is this river and waterfall were largely man-made and it has been here for a few hundred years. This was crafted by people who settled in the area back in the late 1700's and early 1800's! It's insane to think that it would go back that far in history, but the area we are in tends to do that. We have all kinds of stuff around that are from colonial times and beyond. There are a number of houses from the 1700 and 1800's around which is pretty wild to think about. I don't think the property here has any remaining structures intact from that time period, but this reservoir and waterfall have been serving the locals for a considerable amount of time! It used to be a mill, so there were these giant grinding stones that were put into place to let the water turn the wheels which would then turn the stone and grind stuff. Pretty cool to learn details like that!
The sound of a waterfall is my favorite, especially ones that have a pretty sizable amount of water cascading over them every single second of the day. It's pretty wild to think that there is enough water in this region to constantly throw thousands of gallons of water over the falls every minute and continue to have water waiting to come on down! There is something soothing about the sound of that, and it's nice to see the waterfall and have it easily accessible for folks. This spot has a nice little canoe/kayak launch, so I wonder if one of these days we will have a house that allows us to have a canoe/kayak and get over here to launch and go for a little fishing adventure!
What was interesting is when we had left, we were on our way to go get our food. We happened to drive by this waterfall here on the journey and I thought we were well away from the waterbody in the previous picture but apparently that is a pond that is connected to another pond, which dumps out here. We were several miles away but the thing continued. When I looked up where the heck we were, I found that we were actually at the top end of the water system so that was a bit of a fun discovery. I know that my son is going to want to come over here and explore the area to see if we can do any fishing, so I know I've got a little homework to do so that we can figure out if there is parking around! We technically illegally parked on the side of the road to get these pictures hahaha but I said fuck it, if a cop comes over to give me shit about that, and he sees my son there I bet I could convince him that he just wanted to see the waterfall and let us go.
We are definitely going to come back to this other waterfall soon!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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Nice shots my dude! Any good spots out there for jumping in?
Haha I'm not sure, I don’t quite trust most of the places for jumping in! I need to know a lot about a spot before I’ll go swimming in it lol. I usually only jump from giant boulders into areas that I know are deep. Waterfalls, I’m a little sketched out by lol
Especially when you’re scouting falls with your kid, that makes sense. Boulder jumping into deep water is super fun, but actually that’s the one that sketches me out more LOL - I’m a complete wuss with heights so my high jumping experiences are very scant 🤣
Haha some of the most fun I've had as a kid was jumping from cliffs and boulders. I didn't do the craziest 45 footers but I've had my fair share of 15-30 foot boulders to jump off! So much fun lol the water in those places is incredibly deep so it was really chill. One of the places you sadly can get arrested now if you try and swim there, real fucking shame. An old rock quarry!
I've jumped from 4 different locations in my time with that stuff!
Nothing like sharing a nature adventure with the little man. Yours has much more cool flowing water than mine but you have inspired me to create a wedswalk post once again.
Looking forward to your return adventure and glad you managed to avoid a run in with the law!
Thanks man! I love the flowing water, brings such a cool look haha. I'm glad I inspired you, looking forward to seeing it!
Avoiding the law is always a good thing LOL my son is a worry wart, I don't know how he would react if a cop stopped us for something. Fingers crossed we don't encounter that situation any time soon lol
Honestly can't beat a waterfall - if you did, you'd get all wet.
Fun fact!
Haha nice, fun facts with Riv!
What a beautiful place. Even though it's not huge but I'm sure it brings tranquility to the area.
Yeah it's great, size is just right that it's not full of tourist stuff lol
Man-made waterside that dated back to 1700, that's as far back as the 16th century. Stunning if you ask me. I also love the sight of waterside, it's absolutely beautiful, but I don't have a lot of that over here, except on rare occasion where we go to riverine areas. The water is surprisingly green, show it's been there for a really long time.
Yeah it's cool to be in an area with some decent history! We all have it in one way or another, it's just hard to recognize it sometimes.
I'm glad you have it at least in one spot! It's defi
I to love waterfalls nnot to many close to here but WOW you and the boy have found so many beautiful ones love them all
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Haha ya I know we have quite a few around here which is nice! The small mountains and hills tend to drain out quite a bit down here before they get down towards you, giving us some nice falls!
Wao all these places looks so beautiful and amazing. Always like to see natural beauty places.
That's for sure! Love nature!
Nature is everything.
Wow, those are some amazing pictures! It looks like you had a great time exploring the waterfalls with your son. I can see why he loves running water so much. It's so peaceful and calming to be near a waterfall.
Yeah it's definitely a great time to be near a waterfall!