Tree Farm Photos
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to share a few photos from the recent Christmas tree farm that we went to for a family photo shoot!

Tree Farm Photos
I was excited a few weeks ago when I found out that we would be going to a tree farm to take some family photos! That meant I actually got to take some photos for sharing on Hive!
I've been slim of late in terms of quantity of photos. There are various reasons for that, and most of them are related to not being able to get out there for a hike or something due to some things we are working on. Nothing major, but it certainly has an impact to the amount of time I am spending outdoors and in spaces where I would like to be so that I can get some fresh photos for some writing. We work with what we are handed though, so that's how I am dealing with it!
The tree farm that we went to was really beautiful! It was a quaint farm, not very big but it had a lot of charm. The family was an elderly couple that was probably doing this as a hobby for a while before they retired or they decided to expand the farm and focus on this type of stuff.
The family also made the smart business decision to spend some time putting things around the area so they could attract local photographers to bring some clients, and pay the farmers, for using their wonderful property! I really like this type of thing and it's not the first time we've done photos like this, but this has been our favorite farm to date for sure.
I think what sold it for us was the decorations they've set up throughout the property. There may have been more beyond where we were here, but we didn't go exploring. The weather was decent that day; not too cold but also not overly warm. It certainly felt like a late-autumn photo shoot that's for sure!
We didn't have to go far to find the various decorations and sets they put out for people to use for some family photos. I know that my wife appreciated that, as we've gone on little hikes before to find the right locations and that was a challenge for her to walk so far. Thankfully this one was really close to the parking area, so that was a score!
I think my favorite decoration that was set up was this one right here. It is fairly minimal but it has a lot of potential and it photographs really well! When we go back next year I want to take some more photos in this spot in particular for that reason. One of the things I like about it is the farm and rustic look and feel to it. The weathered wood is one of the things that we look for in a lot of things, and this one had lots of it! These benches are pretty popular around here, especially at the farm fairs and stuff which is nice. They are pretty simple to make and really sturdy which is a win all around.
It wouldn't be a Christmas tree farm photo shoot without a tree ornament would it?! When we had booked the event, I thought that it would be really cool to bring a small bit of ornaments with us. Unfortunately that didn't plan well, and as we were rushing out the door is when I ran to the Christmas decoration bin and grabbed a few spare things before getting to the car and taking off. Thankfully this little jingle bell was a pretty good choice, and I like that it ended up being a great color for the setting!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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There are quite nice plants in the garden.
Yeah this was a nice farm!
Yes my brother. Have a nice day
Hello, this is a very nice place, to take a picture, excellent,
Thanks yeah it was a really nice place that's for sure!
Whenever we see clouds in the sky like this, the view is much more beautiful and it's always nice to visit a place with such a scenic view of the villages.
Ya it is a beautiful place for sure!