This Years Upgrade
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to appreciate the technology we have in terms of our health!

This Years Upgrade
I always love getting a new gadget, and that's what we've been doing!
Getting older, we tend to enjoy different things then when we were younger. I think this is certainly a good thing, and it is a sign of maturity and changes in how we are experiencing life and all that. With us, we've definitely gone through these stages and are in a new stage right now: looking forward to our new medical gadgets!
The technological world we live in is absolutely a fascinating thing. There are so many benefits to the world that we are living in, which of course means there are a lot of challenges at the same time. The real benefit here though, is that we have the knowledge and the capability to meet so many of these challenges and really get past them while also making considerable improvements to our lives and our livelihoods.
We've been making investments in ourselves in terms of the medical devices that we are acquiring for several years at this point. We've bought red light therapy devices, infrared sauna devices, vibration plates, tens units and several other smaller ones. These are all crucial things in our toolkit for keeping ourselves healthy and being able to deal with and heal a lot of the things that end up creeping up on us as we get older. These have been really wonderful things to have in our back pocket, and we have also been looking at new things to add to the mix.
The latest thing we have added is another thing we learned about a while ago, but didn't really know the need we had for it until recently. It's called a PEMF mat which is essentially a mat that uses a magnetic field to help realign things in the cells of our bodies. The PEMF therapies have come a long way but have been around for several years at this point which is good. I don't need to always be on the cutting edge of the devices and therapies for various reasons, some of them being to give them a bit of a stress-test with other people and getting some good information on them before we try them.
I think this is a really helpful thing to have and one of the other things we are trying to do is figure out how we can not only do this for ourselves, but perhaps turn this into some type of small business. There are lots of ways in which these things in general help us and our bodies depending on the need, that sadly a lot of people aren't really aware of. When we talk to the people in our lives about the things we are doing, often they have not heard of any of it and are slightly confused as to what we are doing, but they see the results and how things are getting improved in various ways so the results speak for themselves.
I think the big challenge with all of these things is that it requires consistency in it. With the world that we live in today, the focus is on a pill they can take so it will do something quickly or in the background. This is pretty helpful in dire circumstances but it doesn't get to the underlying root cause which these various medical devices are there to try to help to address.
We are going to make one or two more investments for the year before we spend the rest of the year doing other things like using them and doing research but I think the idea of making yearly investments into products that benefits us is a really important thing to do. It's not that we want to just buy things and get "stuff" but that we need to make improvements to ourselves and our bodies through these technologies. Eventually we will certainly have reached the limit of what we can get but I think that's a bit of time away, at least with current tech!
What about you, do you try to make investments in yourselves and households through things like this? Let me know in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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OMG, @cmplxty I'm so glad I read this post. I !LUV that I found another person on Hive who knows what red light panels are and thinks they're a good use of money. That and all the other stuff you've mentioned!
(@new.things look, look!!! !LOL )
But seriously, I've commented and reblogged so that it increases my chances of finding this post again and rereading it. I want to read it s-l-o-w-e-r! I'm keen to talk about all the health devices you mentioned in here! I probably want them all :P
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and accidentially won the Tour de France.
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@cmplxty, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of consciouscat
Hahaha that's great! I'm glad that you've also found the wonder of these things. We've been using them for 3-4 years now at this point and they've been a really important piece of our health toolkit! I just this week wasn't feeling the best so I wore the red light therapy belt that we've got every morning while I was working to help clean out the waste circulating around my gut.
Hopefully you read it again and we can chat more about the various products! We added ANOTHER one since I wrote this one :D I may write about it but it's a low-level laser therapy device. It was a great investment!!
Hiiiiii! I'm back. And I've reread this post again. How. Fun.
Sooooo, we have a TENS unit. Have had for ages. Rarely use it. What should we be using it for? I hear you on consistency. To be consistent with something I have to be crystal clear as to why I'm doing it. Do you know, off the top of your head, what it's best for?
I've heard of vibration plates, but we don't have any and I don't know what they're good for or why they're worth the money. What do you use it for?
"infrared sauna devices" <---- say more on this (please!) I've been in an infrared sauna before I met @new.things but investing in actually buying one for here? We've looked at it, for sure. But couldn't justify the cost. However, I've read so many posts about why they're awesome. What benefits have you found?
When it comes to red light this is where we've probably done the most. We have red torches/lamps we use at night to reduce the blue and green light going into our eyes. I wear blue "blocking" glasses (not that they fully block the blue light but they do reduce it for sure) so when I watch TV and use the computer and phone after UVA (sun)set, I can help myself to go to sleep more easily.
Do you do this too?
When it comes to RLT devices, we bought a face mask that I use every night but I put it on my head (to regrow the hair that's been falling out), on my belly (to help my digestive system that often struggles) and on my lower back (to help my kidney adrenal complex to relaaaaaaax :P).
I'd like to get a very large red light panel at some stage so I can do far more of my body at once, but cost is a limiting factor at present. So, one step at a time. What kind of RLT device/s do you have?
I've never heard of a PEMF mat! Fun! What's it good for? Noticing any different yet?
And finally, you got a LLT device. Now that's interesting. I'm not sure we can even get those in Australia without some kind of medical license. But I might be wrong; I haven't looked very hard into this. What are you planning to use it for/to resolve?
Oh, and I notice that @flemingfarm mentioned an ultrasound device as well. Do you have one of these? What's it good for?
Oh My Gosh, so many things, so many questions. So much fun!!!
Look forward to reading your responses and whatever you want to share =)
@cmplxty, @consciouscat(3/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
I had to whip out the laptop for this one :D I could have written a long response on my phone but that would have driven me nuts!!
A TENS unit is good for muscle stuff. If you've got a pulled muscle in your back or something, a tens unit is really helpful to electronically stimulate the muscles and help loosen it up and repair it. Movement is important but if you have a messed up back, the last thing you want to do is physically move because it involves lots of other muscle groups pulling at once. With the tens, it stimulates very pointed areas and helps loosen the fibers up. Works really well! It just has a sort-of limited use case. Still an important device to have in the medical toolkit I think!
Vibration plates have a varied amount of uses for us. It helps stimulate lymphatic movement and drainage which is one of the most important elements of it. It also helps loosen and incorporate things like new exercises with brain blasticity. When you are vibrating and learning a new language or something, it helps wire the brain in some pretty unique ways! It's used a lot of brain recovery therapy for people who have strokes or traumatic brain injuries. Obviously different scenarios, but the vibration helps in a lot of ways! For healthy people, lymphatic is a huge benefit.
The infrared sauna devices are really good because they use the wave length that we get from the sun, except in a more concentrated fashion of course! It uses electricity to generate a lot of heat, and infrared waves, and it penetrates the skin of our body in certain ways that help make us sweat but also heals at a cellular level. It does something with the wavelengths that penetrates and cleans up our blood cells and carries the waste away. Doing the vibe plate after a sauna is really good, to get the junk all cleaned up, then a nice vibration to loosen it up and get the lymphatic zones to get it into our waste soon after!
You should get a pair of amber tinted glasses, if you don't already have them! If the glasses are clear, they don't actually block any blue light sadly. I learned a lot about this from Jack Kruse and Alexis Cowan. They are huuuuuuge blue light scientists!
It also helps to turn our phones and laptops onto "night mode" where it really makes the screen far more orange. Sadly TV's don't seem to have this option that I've found, but it's really common on phones and computers!
We have 3 devices, all reasonably priced. One of them is a red-light belt, where you plug it in and wear it around your stomach or chest or something. This is really one of my favorites! I wear it when I'm feeling under the weather and it boosts my immune system to kick the crap out! Then we've got a red light box, but this one is a little harder. It's a square, maybe 2x2 foot in size but it is best to be used hanging from the ceiling or something. My wife uses this one more, but I don't love it. Then we've also got a small nasal one that goes up your nose for my son when he gets his allergies and runny nose. Works pretty well for him, and does some cellular healing and repair!
I used it the first time the other night, it was good! It's combined infrared sauna (where it gets really warm), red light and PEMF. The PEMF is pulsed electromagnetic fields. What they do, from my understanding, is that they change the polarity of the things in our bodies kind of like an MRI machine. When they do this, it changes the structure of the water and makes it more alkaline and this helps kill the nasty stuff like germs, viruses and also helps promote some healing and regeneration. I haven't looked TOO much into it yet, but I had a chance to get one at a good price and we wanted to invest in another item, so we went for it and will see how it works for us. I guess you can use it 3 times a week to start, so I'm going to do another one tomorrow night!
We've been to a few functional neurologist (neurological chiropractors) and they've helped a phenomenal amount with my sons issues with school. It may be dyslexia, but it's hard to say because there were a lot of structural things that weren't lined up properly that we got worked on. He's not autistic, but just had issues similar to a kid with dyslexia and one of the most noticeable improvements for him was using a LLT device on his brain stem, frontal lobe and occipital lobes. The lasers, similar to infrared and red light therapy, penetrate the skin and the skull to help add oxygenation to the cells of the brain and it really boosted his brain development. You can only do it for a few minutes a day but we were getting charged 200$ per session that wasn't covered by insurance so we said screw it, and invested in a laser. The company that sells them to American consumers is called Avant. There are LOTS of laser companies out there, since the therapy has been around since 2002 which is pretty wild. We just got the device in yesterday, and haven't really figured it out but I'm excited! It's also incredibly helpful for healing many other parts of the body like sports injuries, organ issues like kidney stones and so much more. It was an investment in overall health more than anything, and we went for it!
Lastly.. an ultrasound device. I know of them in their therapeutic uses, but I don't have a need for one right now so we probably aren't going to get one.
MAN that was a LONG one but it was great :D digest it like a holiday meal hahaha
Thank you =)
Tempted to reply right away but I shall digest as you suggested!
(Meanwhile... you listen to Jack Kruse? I struggle to understand a thing he says, so I mostly learn from Carrie Bennett instead. Will have to look up the other person you mentioned. Maybe!)
Because his paint was running.
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Yea, we have been using the red lights after dark and before bed which seems to help getting more and better sleep.
I have a small ultra sound and tens unit for running injuries and niggles, It is hard to workout the actual benefits or gains but just using them means I am not on my feet, so it has got to help with recovery.
On the other hand not getting injured is probably the better approach. My garmin watch heart rate monitor has definitely been helping with that. Keeping me accountable and keeping my easy runs easy. Which has dramatically reducing my aches and pains as I get older.
We also have a small red light panel from Aldi, it is marketed as a beauty product designed for your face but when I can ever get it off @consciouscat I have used it on my ankle. !LOL It would be great to trial a stronger red light panel but there a bit expensive.
We have also toyed with the idea of setting up some sort of home made infa-red sauna but maybe in winter as it is just so hot here in summer.
It was clear from the gecko.
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@cmplxty, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of new.things
That's great that you and cat have been really getting out to explore the devices! There are so many things coming out in terms of technology that it's amazing and an important thing for the day and age we live in.
I'm not surprised that Aldi had a red light therapy panel, they tend to have some pretty cool random finds! We got most of our red light stuff on Amazon after reading reviews in various groups and stuff and have been enjoying them for a few years. The one we have I think was 120$ or so, maybe a little more.
We have a fold-up infrared sauna. They are pretty well-priced all things considered, you can get one for about 250$ but I'm not sure what that would be for you, though it shouldn't be too bad in Australia. The sauna is really important for so many things and some of the people I've listened to on podcasts have raved about the healing qualities of it in terms of cleaning the blood as well as helping promote bodily healing! With it folding up, it really makes it convenient to store which is important.
Oooh, a fold up infra red sauna?
Got a link???
(Maybe your business could just start with 1. educating people, and 2. using affiliate links to link them to products you've used and liked??)
I saw your other comment I’ll get back to you sometime today!! It’s going to be a fair bit of typing :D
That’s a good idea for sure, we will have to look into it!
The other thing I forgot to mention was an ionic foot bath!
Yay! I look forward to the long read =P
Ionic foot bath! You'll have to tell me more about that one too !LOL But only if you want to.
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Foldup infrared sauna - Serene life foldable sauna - Amazon
The ionic foot bath, I forgot to add to my other comment LOL it's great!
One of the best avenues for detoxifying for our bodies is through the soles of our feet. All of our body's systems are connected to the soles of our feet. Got ovarian issues? You can stimulate it via the sole of your foot in a specific spot! It's a highway, where the information travels in specific paths for start and end.
The foot bath uses electricity to put charged ions in the water, and added with a little bit of sea salt it reacts and pulls waste out of the soles of our feet. For example, it changes the color of the water (lookup ionic footbath water color meanings for some gross pictures LOL) depending on what the issue is. For liver, the water is dark brown. For lymphatic it is white, and so on. It's been actually incredibly accurate for what it is doing so we know that it's not a load of shit. My wife had heavy metal poisoning and it was pulling out black specks in the water exactly as the water chart said it would, and then it would foam which means candida overgrowth which she also was suffering with.
The foot baths are gross to do, but damn are they great for our health!
Ooooooh. Well, just clicked through to your fold up sauna. Not cheap! !LOL Unfortunately doesn't ship to Australia but you've got me thinking about other ones we might be able to get here. When it's not 90'F and 90% humidity that is :P
Meanwhile, the ionic foot bath sounds VERY interesting. I. Shall. Google.
Thank you!!!!! !LUV
@cmplxty, @consciouscat(2/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
To arrrgh is pirate.
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Feel free to steal it more often :P
Pretty soon he would be bacon.
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Oh, and I didn't know (or forgot?) you had an ultra sound unit. Maybe I should be using it for this calf issue that keeps coming back everytime I try to run fast... !LOL
They log in.
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Nifty, hadn't seen the PEMF before. We have TENS, red light, ultrasound, and numerous other implements so this could be a good one to add to the mix. Interesting the frequency range it works in. Makes me wonder if it could be easily hacked together...
Funny enough that you say that! The company that I really like for these types of products, Therasage, has done that exact thing except for ultrasound.
That's the one we bought for the PEMF mat. It's got infrared sauna, red light and PEMF all in one, plus a Tens attachment so you can do the whole kitchen sink at once hahaha. We haven't tried ALL of them at once, but it's going to be something that we will eventually do.
Wild, a true combo therapy. In California I was able to get ultrasound and tens combo at the chiro which was AWESOME! Washington state doesn't allow it for some reason. I bought used gear from a chiro in Idaho so have the tools but have been keen on newer tech for a while now.
Yeah I've heard of that being used for joints like knee I believe.
Washington has some bizarre rules that's for sure
Technology is helping us a lot if we see it is helping us in many things in the health department too so I have a habit here too I like to walk around the place with the same nature view.
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