The Old Trash

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to rant about how unbelievably ridiculous this dude acted at work the other day!


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The Old Trash

The other day I was working the contract job and this guy truly flabbergasted us all.. and he was older!


There are some things that happen where you are just completely taken back out of shock and confusion. This was one of those things times that's for sure! Lol.

I was working the contract job the other day and things were going well. It was a pretty good day, I had enough to do but not so much to do that it was insane. There were a bunch of people there as there always is, and towards the middle of the day one of the people I've worked with was pretty annoyed, and I asked what was going on? She brought me to the other room and pointed at the floor.. and I saw what pissed her off, because it pissed me off as well.

We didn't know it at the time, but some mother fucker was throwing trash ON the floor. There were FOUR fucking trash barrels in the room. Most of them were maybe 5 feet away from this fucker. We saw a bunch of shit strewn on the floor and we were pretty pissed about it, but we didn't know the culprit just yet. Eventually though, towards the end of the day, I was doing something and was walking through and saw the piece of shit who was apparently so fucking lazy that he couldn't be bothered to take TWO steps behind him and toss it a foot to the trash. Man this got us livid!


I'm not usually confrontational.. but this was such egregious and obnoxious behavior that I had to say something to the fuck. I went up to him right after he dropped another piece of trash onto the floor and said "there's a trash barrel behind you, I would appreciate if you used it" and he looked at me confused. I really wanted to respond back "is this how you live at home you piece of shit?" but refrained as it's not the place I work at fault for this lazy fucker. He said ok I'll just make a pile on the floor for you. I had to walk away from the dude because I got so mad! LOL.

If someone points out to you that you are doing something as childish as throwing trash on the floor without picking it up, and your response is instead of picking it up to just shift the shit around and make a little pile, holy fuck you are an ignoramus of epic proportion. In all my years of working, I've never seen such behavior.

The kicker of it too was this dude was OLD. Easily in his 60's. How the fuck is someone going to make it to their 60's and behave like this? When I'm in someone else's house, work space or shit like that, I make sure I clean everything the fuck up that I was just doing. I don't leave anything for chance because it's important that you make a good impression. This litter bug apparently didn't get that lesson in grammar school, and it has never left him in his ridiculous adult life.

I ended up reporting the dude to the company who I contract for. They pay good money for the space they use and the people that work for them, and this careless piece of shit is going to go around treating it like he's a homeless dude in New York or some shit. Unacceptable!


What about you, have you seen something so egregious in a professional work place that you were besides yourself? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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ah you should just grad that old man and dump him in the bin. hahaha
well, that kind of thing is very common here in my place, but the habit is not there yet, even with the ignorant younger generation now, I don't think that habit will end pretty soon, unfortunately.


I really wanted to toss em! LOL it was crazy!

Yeah I know that unfortunately these things are VERY common in many parts of the world. It's really confusing why that would be the case, as dumping trash is so bad for the environment! Not in a climate-change-hoax type of way, but just destroys the environment!


Sometimes old people are the worst, it's like they don't give a fuck anymore. 😃


Yeah dude this was absolutely insane lol old fucker! I bet he throws trash out his window while he's driving.
