The Mood to Write


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to reflect a little bit on the importance of not forcing things.


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The Mood to Write

I had a bit of a struggle the other day.. I wanted to write a post but I simply wasn't in the mood to do it, and that is both a good and a bad thing!

Many of us here on Hive really enjoy to write something onto the blockchain daily. I do things a little bit differently than those like Galen or Taraz do and they write something on the fly every day. I would like to do that but my schedule and energy is simply too unpredictable so I enjoy writing a few posts in one night and getting them scheduled for the next couple of days. These days, I usually only schedule 3-4 posts in advance, though if I've got some crazy stuff going on at work I'll do more just to get ahead in case shit hits the fan, and I'm not able to do any real writing the way I'd like.


With this writing style, one of the things that can affect me is that if I am planning on doing some writing that night, but something happens throughout the day that messes me up, then it throws all my shit off. It's annoying lol.

In this particular instance, I got into an argument just before I was getting ready to put my son to bed which is usually when I can get some time away to do some writing for an hour or so before I myself flush all the stuff out of my brain, and am able to sleep fairly soundly. This has happened on a couple occasions and it's an instant turn off for my writing abilities, like the awkward moment before you have sex with someone but they say or do something that absolutely kills the mood. It's a razor slice through the motivational sector in my brain lol.


I kind of appreciate this though, because it prevents me from writing something that is largely just a pile of shit. I don't think my posts and writing is award winning but I at least try to make it entirely my own, with my thoughts, feelings and emotions in the posts which I think is an important element. The posts are largely reflective, have some humor and wit in there and they can sometimes relay some information or things that I learned in the day or the week. I think this is my own unique little "style" you could say. I hope that my son, in 15 years or so when he finally gets a chance to read some of these, isn't like "wtf dad this is trash lol." but that's the risk we parents take in committing to something.

I'm glad that I can take the hint when I'm just not in the mood and simply don't write, wait for another day. This is an important thing so that I don't end up writing just for the rewards, churning out content that people like to do just to collect a few Hive. I think, like most people, I started that way but I evolved over the time I've been publishing more of my thoughts and needing to work through some things in my head. I don’t think that the desire to write like this was something I would be interested in. I’m not usually one to talk an excessive amount so I was a little surprised.

Overall though I think it’s been incredibly positive for me. I know that I’ve got a lot of ideas floating in my head, as most people should because life is inspiring and beautiful. Writing them down is one of the best ways to express myself which is cool!

about you? Have you found a passion for writing but only when the circumstances are correct? I would like to find out about it!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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Great Post Bro. Just what I needed to know about different posting styles. I thought I remember you saying/writing one time you bank sevwral posts and schedule them. I did the schedule thing today. Set it for an hour and it worked. So I will try pre-writing a few and doing it your way. 👍


That’s awesome dude. I feel like dog shit LOL son gave me flu.

Love helping brothas out! Cheers thanks for the tag on the limp Bizkit post I’ll check it out later


I have been following his strategy for more than a year, and helped me to reach my yearly author badge.
Scheduling posts helped me a lot in staying active since I don't really have the idea and time to write posts daily. although I might have the idea, putting it into a post is a different thing. haha


Glad to help out however I can :D


Yeah man for sure! I schedule them every day at 830p when I have one ready to go. It really helps, when you're in the mood for hanging out a few they go out over the next few days. Then you can take a break for a day and focus on commenting and engagement which is fun in itself but still have a post going up on the day you didn't write one. It's a good rhythm I think!

Glad you got it scheduled and are going to schedule more!


I can feel you man. I have been in that position a couple of times when I am at home, so I will just turn off my laptop and head into the bed, rather than continue making posts in a bad mood, and also the bad mood will continue the next day. Here is your advice in scheduling post come in handy, at least I still have the post ready to publish to fill the gap when I am not ain the mood, or the situation is not that good. : )


That's great to hear man! It’s indeed a good thing to get them written and scheduled so that we can get them out there but don’t have to force ourselves to write when we are in a sour mood. I’m glad you are seeing some great benefits with scheduling :D keep up the good work my friend!


One good thing about scheduling a post is that it allows you the time and peace of mind to embrace your writing before making it go live. I love that option!!

Not being in the mood for something can lead to a discouraging outcome. So, like you said, it's better to give yourself a pause and then continue when you feel like it is the right time.


Yeah absolutely! I like having the ability to schedule them and it turns out the best type of writing instead of rushed and junk.


I think it's always better to zoom out and do something else when I'm not in the mood to write. Often times, the issue gets resolved within that time frame although sometimes, it can last longer.

Scheduling posts is a great way to write a few posts when one is in a great mood to account for the days when bad mood creeps in..


Yeah absolutely! That's a great way to say it - write a few when things are great to prepare for the potential to have a bad day so that we don't have to be in a difficult situation. I agree it's important to take a step back when we aren't in a good mood!


I love Taraz writing style. He reflects on the things that happen everyday and that way, he won’t have to bother or struggle with what to write on
I visit his posts everyday too
He’s a fantastic writer


Yeah he is! I enjoy his pieces for sure as well!


Yes, I think I'm like you. It bothers me a lot because often in my to-do list, I note to myself that I need to write an article. But sometimes my brain wants to do something completely different and I just can't write.

Then sometimes, I'm really inspired when I've got nothing to write with at hand. It's very frustrating.

But forcing things can often lead to content that doesn't really represent us. Or even at all.

As for my own experience, I share your feeling that writing is a deep form of self-expression and a way of exploring and clarifying my thoughts. I don't know if it's because of that or because of all the things I'm doing at the moment, but I'm much more rested since I started Hive. I'm much better at aligning my thoughts. I think it has something to do with all the activities I'm doing at the moment, but particularly Hive.

My best writing moments come not from a forced effort, but from an inspiration that seems to flow naturally, often at unexpected moments. Often in the shower, when I'm driving, when I'm out for a walk.


Yeah absolutely it's good to have the writing flow naturally when things aren't forced. I started to keep a little note of the things I want to write about - have you done that? For example I'm in the middle of something at work and get an idea of a post if it's somehow related to anything I'm doing. I write down a quick note in my phone and then later on I come back to it for the things I want to write about. That's really helped me have a nearly endless amount of topics I can put out there - the note started with like 3 post ideas and now it's got almost 30. The cool thing about it too is some of them are ones I have to be in a particular mood to flesh them out so I have choices - do I talk about this topic that requires more emotional thought or this one with analytical? It's good to be able to bounce around a little bit! Hopefully keeping a note of topics for you can help you get them out there!


Yes, I think it can really help me. Overall, I'm pretty sure it's the best way to go.

When you jot down an idea that crosses your mind, inside you keep thinking about it. As a result, you get new ideas for this article or another.

Thanks for your insights and for sharing your process!


Sometimes we should just allow things to come as it is. Some things happen because life allows it


I like to express my thoughts throught writing! Maybe that's the reason why I'm here;)
and I'm a freelance copywriter now, so writing is really my passion;)
but I really must have mood for it because if I'm not in resource, I'm closed and have no wish to speak with the world.
Though...maybe it's wrong, and it would have helped us in some cases - not to be closed but to share your feelings and get some support and warmth.


That's good you enjoy writing! It's definitely a small passion of mine among other things. I agree though you have to be in the right mood for it otherwise it's not good!

That's good to hear that you're a copywriter, taking your passions and turning them into something like that where you get some money out of it is great! Do you do it via a website like Fiverr?


Thanks, friend! This is some awesome advice. I usually do this blogisode series on @stemsocial, and one of the days I felt very down emotionally and just couldn't think straight. But I did the blog anyway.

Trust me, I really shouldn't have because when I read it the next day, I realized it was just not on point and didn't sound like I usually do.

It's very important that we don't blog when we are not in the mood, as you have shown in your amazing blog.

And I believe you were in the mood for this particular one because it smells pretty good.

I also want to say thank you. I recently saw that you gave an upvote for two of my works, and I really appreciate the support, sir.

Please keep up the good work. I followed your account so I can receive more insights from you.

Love, Serene counsel ♥️


Indeed it's good to hold off on a post when you're not in the mood. What I also do is write down my post ideas in a note and keep it for when I'm in a good mood. That way I can write several posts at a time but I know I certainly won't remember what my ideas were all at once unless I write them down.

You're welcome - I follow the Curangel voting trail so if you got one from them, that's why you saw me on there. It's good to help people out in whatever small ways we can! Also if you post anything in the Rant community which I own - I also would have done it there. At any rate though, always happy to support people!


Oh! I guess it was from the rant and complain community.

Thanks friend for the tip. I love your works and I'm happy to follow through.
Keep up the good works on this awesome Blockchain sir.
