Support The Return


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about how we should put some more effort into supporting things like the Return Proposal!


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Support The Return

There is no such thing as a "free ride" even though there is a lot of propaganda and social engineering to try and make people think the opposite is true. It is not!

The world we live in today is increasingly complex, although I suspect it's always been that way but sometimes it's not as apparent to us. There are lots of different mechanics going on all at once, and it's fucking crazy and a lot of work to try and make sense of it! One of the things that people need to understand a bit more is that in order to get something, you have to put in more than the base level of effort.


With the Decentralized Hive Fund, it seems like a gigantic money pot that's sitting out there waiting for people to just dip into it whenever they want. That is a very unfortunate outlook because the DHF is a really strong and important part of the Hive ecosystem, and we need to protect it a lot more!

I know that there are lots of ways in which people can get involved in the platform, from the base user to the technical developer. One of the things that people should not just assume, user or developer, is that they can do some stuff for the chain and get some money out of the DAO (is that the right word? It seems like it to me, but I'm not as low to the technical terms like DAO vs DHF, so please correct me if I'm wrong) just because they contributed a bit. In actuality, the DHF should be a highly selective and reserved bit of funding that we are adding to quite regularly!

I know most of the groups that are currently getting supported from the DHF are pretty solid in terms of what they are doing, but that's not always the case. There are some examples of people who are just getting money, just because they've been here for a long time. I happened upon a proposal or two where there weren't any real substantive updates, yet they were getting funding from it.


It would be nice to set some standards around how people should be eligible for gaining access to the funds from the DHF and one of them is posting regular updates, and monthly accounting ones as well. In the days of needing transparency, there needs to be more of it when you are working with technologies like these. Yes there are a lot of core things that the DHF supports, but there are also some things that seem a little bit like fluff and hoping they get some money. Adding some regular updates and context of where the funding is going would go a pretty good way for alleviating concerns about impropriety in terms of how money is being spent, that we are all working towards adding to it.

In order to make it a bit harder for people to gain access to that coveted funding from the DHF, I decided to add my support for the Return Proposal in the DHF, hosted by Gandalf (GTG) so that it adds a few thousand more Hive Power to the threshold for funding. It's not a gigantic change, but it's something I believe in and the best way that we can get change to happen. If you use your stake in the direction you want, and remove it from the areas you don't want, you can effectively make your voice heard.


What about you, do you think that we should make getting access to the DHF funding more stringent, and adding your vote to the return proposal as well? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Agree with your view too, have supported the Return Proposal some time back already!


That's great! I'm glad to hear that!


It’s a good proposal
I support that!


I agree with your points here, i will read and support the return proposal also.


It's worth supporting it! I think we should be stricter with the money that comes out of the DHF.


I think there definitely needs to be some accountability. Things have gotten a bit out of hand and even legitimate groups are probably taking way more from the fund than they really need to be.


Yeah I agree. People just automatically assume they can get something out of it but we need to make sure the people don't do that for nothing!
