Scheduling Requirements

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about the reluctance of using something like Leo when a key feature was broken for me!


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Scheduling Requirements

Do I finally get to schedule posts on Leo?! If it works.. then I will be re-upping my Leo premium!

The Leo platform has been around for a long time, and I've participated in it at some level for most of it's time, although with breaks in between. I'm not a diehard Leo person, mainly because the content didn't really fit my niche in the platform but I do sprinkle my posts here and there, and try to participate in Threads and other things on the Leo side. Since they started the Leo Premium service a few months ago, I activated it for a few months, and got one for free. That was great but one of my primary means of using the platform is writing long-form content. Secondarily, that content gets scheduled to post a few days after I write it because that's how I've factored in writing as much as I can on the days I have time, energy or capacity so that I can get posts committed to the chain.


The Leo platform has gone in and out in terms of functionality which is fine and understandable, but one of the biggest pain points for me over the past 6-9 months has been that the Schedule Post functionality is essentially completely broken. It would get fixed, then it would sort-of work on one post, fail on another and just cause all-around issues. Eventually I gave up fighting with it, reported the issues to the team and also stopped my membership to Premium, waiting for it to be fixed since I really need my posts to be scheduled, but Leo rewards only occurred if it was posted from the Leo front end.

These things may seem small and petty but they are really my workflow, so I needed to make sure that they worked as expected. I am at a point where I need to spend my time wisely, and being able to do some writing and then get it scheduled to post when I need it to is really important, so I really don't want to upset the apple cart so-to-speak. I know that it's important to be flexible in life but at the same time, when we've got our habits for some things we prefer the convenience we've got built in, versus having to make adjustments.


For me, I knew that the scheduling feature would eventually be fixed and restored, although I had no idea the timeline on it as the team had bigger priorities. I checked the site every 6-8 weeks to see if it was working again to no avail but thankfully the other day I visited, and found that it might be working! I didn't get some ominous error when trying to schedule! Huzzah!

Will this be the end of the hiatus from the Leo side? I certainly hope so, as I do have some posts written and in the drafts queue but have abstained from getting them published because of this lack of scheduling ability. I've also got a few other topics in the lineup that I need to get completed, so I have been looking forward to getting back on the horse. I think this type of thing is important, that we don't give up on some groups in situations like this and let them sort it out, while we go do other things. People can certainly learn a thing or two from that type of mindset!


EDIT**** Since I wrote this the other day, today was the day my Leo post was scheduled to publish and NOPE, still broken. Fucking pain in the ass.. ah well, the months long hiatus continues. I'll likely manually publish the posts I wrote for now, and wait another few months for them to fix their shit.

What about you, do you have specific things that you like to do, and can't really find the time to deal with it otherwise? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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I think I'm at this point in my life when I need to be scheduling posts...

The bad part is that I'm more of a "in the instant" kind of guy and can't write more than 2 long form content ahead.

I didn't know that scheduling on Inleo was broken but for some odd reason I kind of suspected it😂😂😂.

I do hope they fix it too cause I did intend to use it -whenever I start scheduling- to help get posts on time for the inleo monthly prompt.

P.S: For complaints like this, I believe it's faster to go to the discord community or on threads using (#feedback) tag..


Scheduling is really great! Just ask @ekavieka - I got him into scheduling his stuff and he hit a milestone of 1 full year of posting! Once you get into a flow, you can keep it going for quite some time.

I've given Leo plenty of #feedback in threads on scheduling being broken :D I will drop another comment there. I'm disappointed, as I wanted it to work.. oh well I'll try again in a few months, maybe September or October? Who knows..


well yeah, sadly, the scheduling feature in the front-end is still not working.


Yeah.. I realized that today :D oh well. I will check again in a few months!


I still use the front-end though, but for sharing threads. It really increases my engagement on chain.


Yeah, that's good! I am torn on the threads thing. The functionality completely sucks on my phone, the site doesn't load but when I'm on my laptop I'm not in the mood to engage there, I'm about writing posts lol so it's tough :D


yeah, the site is still a bit slow on mobile but works fine on laptop. Try it and use Hive keychain app, it works fine on my end and better. The team is still looking for #feedback and keep improving the UI.


All I use is Keychain, so I guess I'll give it a go and see if they've improved performance on the site since I used it last. I would have to wait 45 seconds for the site to load, it reminded me of when I was a kid using dialup internet :D


Try it and share your feedback to me. Happy threading :)


I heard about it also from one of my friends, which made me think again to use it since just like you I schedule most of my posts. And reading your post, makes me want to wait a little bit more for them to fix the issue before tying the interface and maybe buying the premium subscription in the future.


Yeah I would hold off honestly on the Premium if you are like me, which I know you are, and schedule posts :D It was a good attempt! It even looked promising.. it said "post scheduled successfully" so I had hope! Alas, it is broken still, as the post never made it to the chain. I will wait another day or two and see if it randomly pops up somewhere LOL if not, I will commit those and move on, trying again in September or something.


I don’t use InLeo but why will they schedule your posts?
That’s weird…


I’ve seen this same issue on 3Speak. There was a while where the web interface, where I would schedule posts, was completely down. I spoke with the devs and they recommended the mobile app. So I went there and then found that they don’t allow scheduled posts. At that time, you could still upload a video and save it, but to post later you would have to log back in and manually post the saved content. Now they’ve pushed it even further - when your video upload is complete, it posts automatically. I’m definitely not a fan of this model, as I used to prefer scheduling my videos to post at or around 3:00 AM.

The upload process takes on average about ten minutes, and that’s if you already have the descriptive content all worked out. If upload fails I often would lose my description and have to start over. I’m usually free to work on the editing/upload side between like 9:00 PM and midnight, but I don’t like posting in this window because it seems to decrease visibility.

Recently I found that the web interface is back up and running, and still allows scheduling but it’s a trade off because the app allows me to copy and paste in a description (I prefer to write up the descriptions in Ecency), while the web interface does not allow pasting in.

In spite of these issues which affect my work flow, I do still prefer 3Speak over YouTube and others like it, but there are definitely some areas where things could be better. I’d be happy if they’d just step it back one review and get rid of the automatic posting thing…but I’m not a dev so I will take what I can get lol!

Nice to see this look into the LEO side, I’ve never really looked at it in depth but have always been curious!


Ugh, feel your pain! Scheduling is key for my workflow too. Hopefully the fix actually sticks this time
