Reducing Wifi Radiation Is Ideal
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to chat a little bit about the importance of trying to reduce WiFi radiation as much as we can!

Reducing Wifi Radiation Is Ideal
There is one thing these days that so many people take advantage of, but don't really know that there are dangers lurking there as well. We all love to connect to the internet, and most of it is done wirelessly these days. The challenge with that though, is that there are electromagnetic radiation waves constantly floating around us in our environment, something that never used to be there!
One of the things that is difficult with radiation is the energy wavelengths. Very rapid wavelengths means that the energy is relatively strong and can pass through something and yes it can have the potential to do damage to cells on this path but it largely does not, as it is moving pretty fast and has enough strength to just power on through. The lower energy waves however don't have this capability. The lower energy waves move slower and they run out of spunk faster, which means there is a pretty significant higher chance of the lower energy radiation waves hitting something such as a person, and getting absorbed. This absorption increases the chance for damage and free radicals to be produced.
One of the things that we can do as people though, is try to reduce the WiFi radiation as much as possible and one of the easiest ways that we have done it in my house, is put the WiFi router on a plug-in electrical timer!
You don't need (for the most part) WiFi to be circulating around your house while you're sleeping and this is exactly what we aimed to correct. We've had our own modem and router for many years now, instead of renting it from the internet companies which is a pretty good cost savings to us. This means that we can do a little more with the router than those that rent it from the cable companies. We have access to more settings since they don't lock the device down which is good. One of the biggest changes I've made is I turn off the 5G band of WiFi for the simple fact that it is an incredibly strong, almost microwave strength radiation and you certainly don't want to get exposed to that at all hours of the day. I know we likely are getting more exposure to it these days than we ever have before but where we can minimize it, that's best.
We also purchased a plug-in electrical outlet that you can plug into an existing wall socket and it's got the added features of a configurable timer! You can set every 30 minutes on the device which is great. A lot of people use it to configure their animal cages like heat lamps for lizards and stuff which sounds cool to me. Our purpose for it though was to shut that pesky WiFi router off every single night so that we can reduce not only our exposure to those harmful radiation waves but the added side benefit as well is that it reduces our electricity bill a little bit, which is never a bad thing lol.
We've had the device plugged in for a week now and I know that it's going to be a good step to reducing the potential harms that we expose our bodies to. I know these days there are quite a number of harmful substances, situations and other things that our fantastic body is exposed to. Considering all of the toxic burden we put on our bodies daily, the things are incredibly fucking strong and adaptive. In my opinion though, there's no need to expose it to unnecessary things like this at all hours of the day. A simple switch off since we aren't using it is important! We also make sure to turn off our phones and devices at night so they are powered off and we don't have that exposing us to the other nasty shit that's going on. I'm all about small changes like this to make gradual improvements to the way we live our lives in this fast-paced 21st century!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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Crazy, it's so crazy to be aware of the level of radiation we're constantly exposed to because of technology and Sophistication.
Personally, I only use WiFi for important or emergency stuffs. I knew one way or another, the danger can be real.
Yeah I would rather have my computers connected to a wall unit the way it was before but we don't have the wiring for that right now, and we are trying to move so we won't be undertaking that just yet.
Radiation is inevitable but it's important to reduce what we can!
Great idea to reduce radiation
You are making us aware of the dangers we are prone to as we constantly engage with these substances. A very helpful info.
Yes it's challenging but awareness is the first step!
You have done this very well, their losses are also very high and we have to take care of them so that they do not harm us. All these places looks so beautiful and relaxing.
I agree 100% that you should avoid WIFI as much as possible. This is coming from someone who used to (I think until 7 years ago or so) sleep on her pillow with the phone under it (imagine the heat coming from it) with wifi turned on. Man, so stupid!
My boyfriend made me aware that I should turn on flight mode at night and definitely not sleep on my phone. Since then I started to not leave on the internet during the night, and possibly turn on flight mode. I admit, sometimes I fall asleep before I can though. I always try to be aware of the route from my phone to the router though, so that I'm not in between these two (aka the line of fire).
It annoys me big time that the one emphasizing the importance of this is now often sleeping with wifi on all through the night, lol. The workstation has to be on though so that's one exception (currently with cable due to change of workplace).
So many people don't even think about the harm the radiation can cause anymore but I've been exposed to high radiation for a period of time years ago, so I've been made very aware and will never forget that this is very harmful. It's just that we are so used to it being normal that it's hard to see through it and notice the bad things.
If you'd pay attention when being offline for a bit, for example, check the children's behavior when not being able to get glued to the screen (lol) you will notice a huge difference. I know I do, at least :)
It's good to make people aware of this! Well done :)
You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @cmplxty.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/3 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
For women one of the most important things is to keep your phone away from your breasts! There have been a number of well documented cases of women who put their phone in their bra when they are out and getting breast cancer, not to scare you too much. This one girl in her 20’s would go clubbing and had her phone in the same spot in her bra and she got breast cancer in the shape of the damn phone! It’s crazy how these things are pretty extensive in their power.
I don’t think you go clubbing these days but just keep your phone away from your breast’s at all costs!
I’m glad you’re aware of the dangers though and keep the phone on airplane mode when you’re sleeping, for the most part. The other important thing to do is move it towards your feet if you can, as the body down there is much less radio sensitive.
We can’t be perfect in these things but we can do the best we can and I’m glad that you’re more aware of it now and will continue to take steps to reduce your radiation footprint! It’s best for our health!
I never did that, putting my phone in my bra, I never got why women do that either, doesn't feel comfy lol.
That's insane though, cancer in the form of a phone, my gosh, she learned her lesson early in life :( I hope she recovered.
My boyfriend mentioned he would like to see if it's possible (when we buy a home of our own in the future) to protect the walls from radiation as it is possible. Even if it's only in the bedrooms. I think that's a great idea and no luxury nowadays with all the radiation.
I had serious complaints for a while in Budapest where they were setting up these 5G masts, giving me a constant highly annoying tone in my head. This was during the lockdowns. I'm so happy that didn't last forever, but it's another wake-up call how this can affect someone's health if you aren't careful where you place your devices.
So many young guys who wear the phone in their pocket of their jeans, it's a bit scary knowing that they may end up having cancer in the testicles or become infertile.
It's not easy to avoid Wi-Fi today. I live almost half of my day at work in a company. And in the company Wi-Fi is everywhere. To avoid Wi-Fi you really have to go to the places whose photos you showed.
Yeah we can do small things to reduce it though, by simply unplugging the wifi router at night when we are sleeping! I work around wifi all day every day for the past 15+ years at this point and it’s unavoidable but we can make small changes when we are home to improve it!
you are quite right about this. Out of laziness, I usually leave the router on at night
You and 99.9% of people lol. Try the programmable electric outlet, they are easy! I think they are called timed electrical outlet online. Very cheap and easy to do!