Photogenic Clouds
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to share some cloud pictures that I've taken but not posted!

Photogenic Clouds
Taking pictures of the clouds and the sun that makes them do funky things is a really fun activity for me and quite a lot of other people! The fun and interesting thing about the clouds is that you're likely to not get a similar looking photo or perspective ever again in your life, because the clouds are constantly changing and someone 100 feet to your right or left is going to have a different perspective and the picture would look different. That's pretty cool stuff if you ask me!
One of the things that I kind of dislike a fair bit about the wintertime where it snows, is that the cloud formations you get when you are in those regions is pretty lame and boring! Yes the snow is beautiful but other than the snow, you don't have a lot of interesting stuff to look at lol. When it comes to summertime or warmer climates though, that's where the clouds really break out and shine!
What's also funny to me is the clouds are often incredibly random. For example, two of those pictures there are clouds when I'm walking through parking lots or some shit. Places where it's fucking hideous otherwise but you get a great shot of some cool clouds so the ugly as fuck brick building or piece of architecture is just an unfortunate artifact of being there while the clouds are doing their magic lol.
That makes me laugh most of the times I am taking these pictures. I have gotten some really cool cloud pictures, such as the one below and last here in the series but those are few and far between. Most of the cloud pictures are those random ass parking lots or sitting in traffic and it's like when you're a guy, sitting in traffic in the city and you see a cute girl flash her boobs. It's like winning the lottery but you are in the most random situation to have something so unique occur, that you are not really prepared hahaha. I hope people don't think that's an extreme example.. but it's pretty accurate!
Occasionally I will get something like this to pop up though! I have been in a few places where the absolute beauty of nature gets brought out and it's such a wonderful thing to experience. Sitting there on the side of the lake as the sun is rising over the mountain there, that was an incredible experience and one that I will not forget. Thankfully taking this beautiful picture has helped me remember it quite a bit, remembering the fact that I accidentally left my fishing tackle box on the side of the path there the night before hahaha oops.
Sitting there and looking at the beauty of the clouds though, that's some special stuff! I could definitely spend more time just being in awe of the beauty of nature like this. I think that's one of the reasons that we are over-worked and stressed out all the time. It takes time away from taking a step back and appreciating the wonder and beauty that is nature, and all of the benefits that come with that! It is definitely a refreshing thing to be able to appreciate!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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There was a time when I was very much obsessed with taking pictures of the cloud but not anymore. Well, that does not change the fact that nature is the most beautiful thing but I just got busy with taking pictures of flowers
It is beautiful for sure! I've taken some pictures of them but have tried to narrow it down to the interesting ones.
I like this view the most when the sky is visible and there are clouds above it, it is very beautiful to see natural things.
Yeah for sure it's beautiful to see!
Thanks alot for sharing.
What a nice photography skills! Looking through this cloud formation is such a precious chance to behold. Anyway, thank you for sharing @cmplxty !🤗
Yeah I think that clouds are certainly a good chance to take some pictures if they have a good look to them.