Photo Organization Slowness

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about how I need to spend more time organizing my photos, because it's taken longer when I don't!


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Photo Organization Slowness

I tend to take a lot of photos.. not that I'm any good at it or a professional photographer but I take a lot of them!


The annoying thing in a way is that I know I need to periodically organize my photos. The issue is that I've been slacking on it! I certainly need to do it more than every few weeks LOL

The other day I was looking for something to write about, and then I remembered that I had a few weeks worth of photos on my phone, and a similar amount sitting on the SD card for my DSLR which I hadn't taken off and put onto my computer. I did spend the time to get the photos off my phone and onto my laptop, but it was annoying because I couldn't spend 2 minutes doing it lol. First world problems I guess?!

I tend to get in a spot where I take the photos off my phone every few days but I also have been getting into the habit of putting it off for various reasons. They are legitimate reasons like having to do some housework in the evening which prevents me from spending more time on my laptop and Hive but that's not the best excuse :D.

I get a little frazzled when I'm not as organized as I like to be, not that I'm a crazy type-a person but I do like to think that I've got a decent bit of organization in my life. I certainly try to do it with my work stuff!


In some ways I do consider the stuff I do on Hive in a similar fashion. It's not work, it's definitely a hobby but I try to approach it in a way that I organize myself like I do for my work. This helps keep me ontop of things, organized and able to do a few things at once. When it comes to photos, I certainly try to employ this type of organization!

I've got folders for the different categories, as I'm sure many people do. I've got folders for black and white, beaches, trees, water, walks and many others. This helps me pick a topic that I want to write about and then go into the folders and grab a few photos to sprinkle them into it. I find this enjoyable for sure, but it's more enjoyable when I am able to add the recent photos of things into the mix instead of always relying on ones that are older.

The photos also help me with the topics. There are certain things that I want to write about on a day to day basis, but I also just enjoy taking a bunch of photos from one of our recent excursions and just post those and write about that experience. This blend has been a pretty good strategy for me, because I seemingly never run out of topics which has been really nice!

Looking back at the photos as well also helps me remember the event and it even gives me some good time to reflect on the things we did, what I enjoyed about it and what was memorable. I certainly hope that my son can do something like this when he gets older, seeing the things that we take pictures of and the things I write so it helps me in a number of different ways.


What about you, do you try to extract your photos soon after you take them or do you take some time to do it like I have been lately? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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I usually always take my photos off my phone regularly because I need to resize them. I got in the habit of doing that a while ago to make my posts load faster for the people who read them.


Yeah I think I adjust them when I do take them off. The phone photos look awesome sometimes but I prefer to take them out of HEIC or JFIF and do regular old jpeg.


The results of the photography of beautiful and quite good flower garden plants.


I have been into that, and although I am getting better at organizing than I used to be, keeping them organized also helped me to sort the ones from my family, so I can back them up online through cloud storage. I have to keep them safe, as I had lost tons of photo memories because of faulty Hardisk, or I was stupidly deleted them all in the past. LOL

but yeah, sorting them out can be a headache sometimes. good luck with that my friend.


That's good you are able to stay organized as well man! I'm sure you have lots of cool photos of your critters you're keeping!


It's not work like you've said, but if one does not organize their Hive activities they'll find it hard to achieve a lot of things. In the past I use to shoot a lot of pictures and they end up inspiring me to create


Yeah I love getting the inspiration to write from the photos themselves. It does make it a lot easier when they are organized!


Haha your post just reminded me that I need to go sort out my photos in my phone because my phone is running out of space. Lol. Probably need to upload them to Google Drive.


Don't use the evil Go*gle! They just sell your data and use it to learn stuff about you. It's not good stuff. There's some others out there that offer small tiers of drive space for free like proton and one or two others.

Yeah I've got lots of photos waiting to be uploaded!


Hahahaha it just inevitable.. For the convenience, and having everything consolidated under one place like accounts, emails, etc. ><


I folder them on my phone. But I am way behind on the name/description/backup to storage part if it. I have right around 20k photos of Sammi Jo. I am at about 1 TB on the backup drive we use.


Damn that's a lot of photos haha I don’t have that many! That’s good though lots of memories in there I’m sure man!
