Masked Bandit
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to talk about the little masked bandit that I saw the other day on my deck!

Masked Bandit
I randomly one night, decided to just look outside from the door we have to our deck. I do this almost never, and I only was doing it because I wanted to add a little bit of moonlight from the atmosphere outside, into our house so it wasn't so dark in the room. When I moved the curtain to let in some light, I saw a weird object scurrying around. I was like wtf is that?!
Raccoons are something we've seen a few times here and there, but mostly dead ones. I did see a really big one at my parents house many years ago, which is a memory I actually tucked away and didn't even remember until now writing this post haha, but the little shit that was on my deck was a raccoon! I was pissed, because there is no way a damn raccoon should be ALL the way up on my deck!
We live on the second floor, which ends up meaning our deck is an additional floor above that. That means the raccoon had to climb up the support post of TWO decks below us, plus get off the ground. How the fuck did the little asshole go ALL that way up to my deck, to come and steal some of my food?! That little shit.. lol. I am amazed that it climbed so high, but also really annoyed that it is choosing my deck to do it.
We don't see a lot of animal action on the deck, hell we don't even see many birds that are landing on it but what I do know is that my neighbor downstairs has a bird bath and a bird feeder sticking out from her deck, and I am wondering if the raccoon initially saw that and wanted to get some snacks. He figured he was already up, so fuck it, let's go up another one to see if there is anything else to eat up there?! I don't fault it for that logic, honestly.
What I do have issue with though, is the fact that it's eating my damn vegetables! The little shit has stolen the tomatoes that I am growing, and barely eaten them which was annoying lol. It picked off about 5 tomatoes that I know of and partially ate them, and mostly took some bites out of them and left them behind. That's not cool man! So now I have to figure out how to deter the little shit from coming up on my deck.
We've got several plants on our deck, and my tomatoes and peppers are the most important part of it because we spent so much time and effort growing the things. I figured that we may get birds visiting, but I never thought that we would be victims from a raccoon haha.
I haven't gotten any pictures of the little shit, because I only saw him the first night and I didn't have my phone in my hand when I went to look outside, since I don't really need it.. so I saw the shit, turned on the light to scare him and it ran off when I went to go get my phone and grab a photo. We are going to figure out what to install or do to try and deter the thing from visiting my deck, but I think one of the primary things I need to do is talk to my neighbor and give her a heads up that she also needs to take some steps to get rid of the shit!
What about you, have you had to deal with a raccoon problem before? How did you solve it? Let me know some tips in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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My dad went and bought a couple of ring cameras just so he can watch the wildlife around their house.
Haha ya it's cool to see them for sure, I don't mind most of them except when they try to take my stuff! I feed them enough with the table scraps I throw in an area but that’s not close to this, so it’s lame that he was around lol.
I love sitting in a place and just watching the wildlife for a bit. Watching the birds go about their day, the squirrels, chipmunks and other critters. It’s really relaxing and we are so busy to do it otherwise but I enjoy it!
We've had a few nighttime visitors to our campsite in the past.
I've never seen a racoon ever in my life. They don't live where I am. Lol.
It's not cool when someone takes away something we worked hard on. It's also a problem in our little vegetable garden. Since it's an open space, some people just take the crops like they were the ones who grew it! 🤦♀️. My husband is so pissed.
Oh man that's even worse than my situation! At least an animal has no ability to communicate with us but when people do that it's really shitty! Is there a way to put an electric fence around the garden?! It won't kill them but it will send a clear message lol
me - either;) never in my life;) but I know some people in my city have them as a pet at home;)
ahaha;)) it's a pity you lost tomatoes, but it's a funny story because my son's home name is "raccoon", and I like anything that is connected with them;))
they are so funny in all videos that I was watching about them.
and yeah, they always steal food;))
but maybe I am laughing because it doesn't touch me. If they steal my tomatoes, I won't laugh for sure;)
It might have come just for your tomatoes, they can smell those things from quite a ways away. We're swarmed with them here where I am. They're my #1 chicken predator, and I've already killed 6 this year.
Imagine having to plant and have an animal do all the harvesting, what type of pest control do you plan to chase this one away?
I have never seen or had any experience with a tycoon before but I heard that so many people make some complaints about it