Involuntary Time Off
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to talk about getting taught a lesson, and what I missed!

Involuntary Time Off
Taking a week off from writing was interesting!
I've always wondered what it would be like if I was in a bind, and I wasn't able to do one of my enjoyable hobbies like writing for Hive. Well, the recent past I found that out!
I accidentally jacked up my computer, and one of the things that it really taught me was how much I relied mentally on writing for Hive. Not in any serious way that is depression or anything, but I really enjoy getting down to some writing. I wonder if this is what book authors feel like? I don't for a second feel pretentious enough to think that my stuff is any type of best-seller content, but I do think that it's a decent reflection of "me" which I enjoy. I also would like to think that one day in the future, I can show my son all of the things I wrote here as long as the blockchain is still alive, and then he can get a much better glimpse into me as a person.
The brief caveat I will enter here, is that it's a double edged sword. The AI is gobbling up this data like nobody's business, so I am technically feeding the evil machine. I guess we have to pick our poison, right? The devil you know versus the devil you don't know, in some sense. I think it's more important for me than it is otherwise so I'm rolling with it! There are also plenty of things I don't and won't say or post on here, so there are for sure limitations!
During my unintended time off, I did get some more sleep which was nice.. but there were certainly a day or two in which I was itching to write. I went as far as to attempt to write on my phone hahaha. That was a MISERABLE experience let me tell you! Granted my phone is a little bit older, and the screen is smaller but the real-estate on sites like PeakD for writing actual posts is absolutely horrendous. I alerted the PeakD team of this limitation and they will eventually work on a fix for it.. but holy Toledo that was brutal lmao.
I managed to scribble one post out there.. and it was a challenge for sure! I ended up using Hive.Blog for the site and that was okay, except that I couldn't upload pictures.. so there was a little bit of the kitchen sink in terms of what I was trying to do! I wrote on Hive.Blog, posted it from there and then added photos via edit in PeakD. I even tried a little Ecency in there but that was also buggy as hell. I really feel for the people who write on their phones as their primary device to interact with Hive! That's no easy feat for sure.
I think this was for sure a lesson for me, in that backing up my stuff is so critical. I took care of myself in terms of getting secured now, and will be adding all of this stuff to my secondary backup location but this was for sure a refreshing wake up call.
Sitting here writing a bit, one of the things that's for sure is that it feels good to get a little brain catharsis going! I know some think it quite silly that writing is important to me, as there are more important things in life but we all do what we can to get by, right?
What about you, did you find an experience where you couldn't do something lately that ended up teaching you a good lesson or two? Let me know in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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I think Ecency is a better option for mobile use. But as long as you get one more sleep, I guess it's a better result than trying to force yourself to write with those limitations. : )
Hahah ya I think if my phone screen was a little bigger Ecency would have been fine. Sadly the only one that worked was hive which was really funny. Haven't used that site in years! it's time for many lessons...I've never had so many of them like I have now.
the whole world is changing, and it's tome for our own changes maybe.
Yeah it's a pretty chaotic world out there that's for sure!
I'm pretty luck that I have back up devices laying about the place. I wouldn't have too much trouble keeping up with my writing. It sounds like it was mildly therapeutic for you though.
Yeah I needed the time off from it and enjoyed it for sure. I've got another laptop that I haven't converted yet but I plan on doing so at some point in the near future! That way I have a primary and a backup. The perks of when your company gets bought by another lol they forget about your original device. Hopefully they don't ask for it back in a few months :D
Haha, fingers crossed! Chromebooks are pretty solid devices for a good price and they can handle most all the things I normally do on Hive.
Still actively thinking about what my niche might be here on Hive and the motivation to continue contributing content, @cmplxty, this stood out:
As long as there is a blockchain, it is a nice thought those near and dear would be able to read what we were thinking about, on whatever inspired us to write it down at the time.
Well, losing access to the Internet and associated digital toys sounds like it might be a blessing for awhile. Hahaha ...
Seriously, losing a good vehicle for trips into rugged terrain in the mountains comes to mind. Unlike your experience posted here, this was a permanent setback. It is worked around by renting the vehicle, if necessary. In some ways a blessing, since it used to sit for long periods of time, waiting to be taken out for another adventure.
I think we can usually find a silver lining in most of our difficulties and challenges, if we put our mind to it.
Oh yeah for sure! Life teaches us lessons all the time if we are prepared to see them!
I know what you mean with the off-road vehicle. I had a nice 4x4 truck that I took to some places off the beaten path and it was great. I sold the truck and got a chance to try something but I couldn't because all I had was a car, it was lame haha.
You know there's plenty of niches here and you just have to find your own or even create it. I created the rant community years ago and it's a thriving group of awesome people now. I created it on a whim and it's a really fun place to be now, so you can try to find yours or just create it and maintain it with consistency!
Thank you kindly for providing this additional insight into how you resolved the challenge of finding your niche, @cmplxty. Building your own is certainly a great answer! 🫡🤝
I seriously doubt I could find the time and motivation to even attempt it. So, hats off to you for what you have done. I think your post here references an important part of what I need to be more clearly settled on, in my case.
Simply that the investment of time in expressing ourselves has some benefits. While I had some idea of that starting out, my own thoughts were combined with that effort leading to interaction with others. An obvious thought I did NOT have at the time was whether or not it would ever even be read.
I am still working through what this realistically means for my own choices in what steps I can make sense of and then justify taking.