Give and Take

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about missing LPUD and HPUD but just giving the posts up once I did.


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Give and Take

Is it selfish to kind of enjoy not having to post for events like HPUD, LPUD etc.? I've gotten away from it and actually kind of like it......

Maybe I'm getting to the old man age where I don't like to follow the herd on some things, or maybe it's just that I did it for so long that it lost it's luster. A few months ago I ended up missing the LPUD then the HPUD posting days for some reason, I don't remember if we were on vacation or what but I forgot about it. I did the powering up and all that but I forgot to post about it. What happened? The world moved on! Lol.


Since then, I've stopped actually posting about it, I think it's been 3 months now. I have no problem with people who post about it and supporting the people who do because I think it's great that people are doing it, but for some reason on my part, I've actually just lost interest in writing the posts myself. Is it that people get to a certain Hive Power and just don't care about it anymore? Hard to say, really.

It feels a little liberating in a sense to not have to be tied to making them. I do still perform the requisite activities and even my own flavor of it by sponsoring some people with Hive Basic Income shares which I think is a great thing to do, but I had given up the need to throw the post out there. I think I'm now ninja powering up and ninja sponsoring people and that sounds like a lot more fun :D. Doing it in the shadows!


This has been an interesting change for me, because I did it for years, 3 years or more I would say and that's a pretty good streak of participating in writing the posts. At the same time, this is what I think is going to happen if I miss the opportunity to post every day LOL if I miss a day and break the streak then I might end up falling off the deep end and going weeks without posting again hahaha.

That itself is also not necessarily a bad thing, we all go through phases of this stuff but I have less of an issue with letting the HPUD and LPUD posts go, so I can write about other things on my mind. I know that it's not a crucial thing in the grand scheme of things but I hope to not lose my posting streak, partially because I really do enjoy scribing out some nonsense on here as it is a pretty cathartic method for my brain to process events. Taking out the need to write and make sure it goes up on the correct day for HPUD or LPUD gives me a little more freedom to just write what I need to write about, without being tied down. Can't restrain this shit!


What about you, do you think it's a bad thing that I'm not entirely upset about missing HPUD or LPUD posts? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Best to do your own thing, stand apart, and act according to your own wishes rather than marching to the beat of someone else's drum.

Besides, I can't see the benefits in waiting to power up as powering up daily makes the Hive work harder through curation. I also don't see the need for repeated posts on powering up, seems like a rather lazy post to me.


Hahah ya agree with you there man. I've not done the daily power up, I might give that a go!


I power up whenever I have Hive available so it works harder with curation. Makes sense to me.


I think it's better to let it go when it lacks the luster it used to have, we go through different phases and certain phases requires letting go off somethings and picking up new ones. Doing it in the shadows seems interesting :)


Yeah letting things go is an important step and I think that's where I'm at with HPUD at this point. Still good to do the power up but not posting on it!


I power up almost on every HPUD day and I don’t like to make posts about it.
I love it private


Yeah that's good that you power up but don't need to share it around!


I've made HPUD into a monthly overview post, so participation is more than just joining the bandwagon for me. I stopped LPUD participation a while back because while I like the LEO project, the event just didn't feel like a fit for my content.


Yeah if the content doesn't fit it doesn't work sometimes. I don't mind the overview posts, maybe I'll do one of those one day to try it out. I am going to try and go with the power up every day notion at least 1 per day and see how it goes!
