Frame of Mind

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about the importance of being in the right frame of mind for some things in life.


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Frame of Mind

There are some things that are really important for us in life to be in the right frame of mind in which to participate.


Writing is a really important part of my week. I don't profess to write anything exceptional and some of the things that I write may not be very interesting to folks but I do like to write them regardless. It's a way for me to mentally catalog and orient my thoughts and perspectives. This was never something that I thought I would have done if you had asked me 10 or 15 years ago, but it's pretty important to me now!

Is that the result of getting older? Are we destined to be writers and thoughtful when we get older? That's a random thought I had while writing this.. but it may have some weight to it! I am not going to explore that particular topic right now but could in the future.

With writing though, as with many things in life, it's very important to be in the right frame of mind in order to really do it best. That's certainly true for me!

I have had a few issues lately where I wanted to write but I just was not in the right frame of mind in which to write. It was important for me to understand that because the writing I could have done would have reflected it, and it's not that I don't think this would have turned out bad but it wouldn't have been something I would have wanted to happen. I try to never write posts when I'm in a bad mood!


The good thing is that I've been able to do other things instead. Engaging with folks on Hive is a good use of time when I am not willing to write in that poor state, so that ends up working out well. Just with the ebb and flow of creative juices, there are ebbs and flows of the mental state in which we do things that we enjoy such as writing. Finding an alternative such as focusing on comments and engagement helps me feel like it's not a total loss of time and energy when I'm in those situations and I think that's good.

I've had more frequent nights lately where I just wasn't in the right frame of mind to do things and that's not good, but it's certainly temporary. The stresses of life you can say, but with life there are always going to be periods of highs and lows. I'm swinging the low arc but I think it's on the upward mend now so the trough is complete, now heading for the crest. It's good to realize that these things are very akin to waves, because I think that some people tend to not realize their emotions and mental states are like this and that ends up causing them a number of issues which is unfortunate.


What about you, do you find yourself to have a particular frame of mind when you write or do you write whenever, whatever and appreciate the results regardless? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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I 100% know this ebb and flow - it used to feel like it was a crippling disability, always phasing in and out of things - like I was never quite staying long enough to master any side of the wave. …now, it is more of something I understand, or at least I am familiar and I know it happens, so I try to consciously ride whatever wave is peaking at the moment. It can be fun but it can also be an unexpected journey!


Yeah for sure! It is definitely an unexpected journey. I'm glad you've become aware of it, because it's not something I was aware of for a long time. A few times recently, I would have something happen but knew I should write but it was almost like a gross taste in my mouth so I couldn't do it. It was pretty interesting! One of these days I will have to force myself to explore that and see what the psychological aspect is underlying.

At any rate though, it's important you are conscious of it which always helps with these things!


I can’t claim to be conscious all the time of course, that seems to go in waves too. Every time I wake up I think I’ll never sleep again, and each time I sleep I forget that such a thing as “awake” even exists…like being a werewolf on a slower interval 🤣


Kinda whenever. 'Bad' can mean depressed, nostalgic, lonely, enraged, frustrated, grief stricken - this can be the impetus for poetry, for rants, for saying 'fuck it, I'm just gonna post a shitty lemon cake recipe'.

I actually am not really sure what makes me want to write. I don't like waiting when I'm happy, that's for sure. That usually means I have better things to do 🤣


Hahaha yeah I'm not a giant fan of poetry so that could be why I don't write when I'm upset or annoyed. I mostly do reflective lately it seems!

I would like to think that generally I'm a very happy person, which means I can write very often. When I get these dark clouds though, I stay away hahaha.


Actually I am in need of finding something that can give me mental peace. But liked your thought process and expression.


That's good, I'm glad you enjoyed it. We all have our different styles. In some weeks or months I may shift and only write when I'm in a bad mood, who knows!


Is that an oven or a bonfire?😂😂

Cool pictures 🔥

Yeah, I feel as everyone grows older they do become more thoughtful but they express this in different ways.
Some by writing, other's singing, and others just become so unreasonably grumpy 😂


It's a firepit, so not quite a bonfire but not a camp fire. In the middle! Glad you liked the pictures, I find them really cool as well! I should have taken more of them haha oh well.

Hahaha yeah we know quite a few people who are unreasonably grumpy that's for sure! I wish they would be thoughtful or something instead but they are not. It's interesting though I never thought of the singing part but it makes sense! A lot of people that are older really like to sing in church choirs and stuff.


I could relate to this so much!

There are also days when I am just having writer's block or just too tired from work and don't feel like to forcefully write something. And during these days, I find enjoyment in just reading more posts and commenting on them. I think one great part about Hive is that there are endless possibilities, and writing posts are just one aspect of it.


Yeah that's for sure! I think Hive is awesome because it's for the most part not drug-addicting like platforms such as Twitter or Instagram are but it offers a lot of possibilities for our various mental states. I'm glad you do something similar to me, where I write on some days and just read and comment on others!


I usually try to write first thing in the morning so that my mind hasn't had time to get cluttered up with all the other stuff in life. Sometimes it works out for me, other times it doesn't...


Yeah I've mixed things up a bit lately and did some morning writing and some evening. I’ve done evening for so long I tend to prefer that but it is nice to get the juices flowing first thing in the morning!
