Defeating Work Bosses

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to reflect on a bit of a lighter way to think about a very serious situation I'm working on!

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Defeating Work Bosses

I wanted to talk about the challenges but also benefits of scaling up the operational things that I'm doing for work!

One of the things that I've come to learn but also practice in many areas of my life is the ability to take a base and build upon it, so that it grows and that growth can help many different aspects of life.


I have an upcoming project that is going live and getting to the stage where we will mark it complete and transition from implementation to support management. This is going to be a considerable challenge and stress on many different levels but what I'm doing is taking it kind of like a video game, where I am gaining a considerable experience boost by defeating this big ass fucking boss in front of me lol.

Sometimes I have to think of these things that way, because otherwise it gets pretty damn stressful. I've been an avid video game player my whole teenage and adult life. In the past year or two I've stepped back from that to focus more on other things like my family and things of that more important nature but I've learned a lot from the gaming that I've done in the past, if you can believe it.

With gaming, one of the things that you do in the style that I enjoyed, MMORPG or Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, is you walk around the area as your particular character and class and you fight shit. This gives you experience points slowly and over time you get stronger. Eventually you get strong enough and gain friends where you can form a party and take that party to fight a boss in some dungeon. If you succeed, you all get a bunch of great experience points as well as a good chance of gaining lots of items and "loot". Doing the boss battles is exhausting and you often don't do these every single day because you've got other things that you have to do or enjoy doing but you do make it a point to do them when you can.


I don't really know why this post took that turn lol but it did. With the project that I've got going live, one of the things that I feel like is one of my old MMORPG characters. I've got a party that I'm working with, my work colleagues and their different classes or specialties that they do for work, and we are tackling this gigantic fucking boss, personally the biggest boss that I've ever faced. When we successfully bring this project live and defeat this boss, it will mark a pretty considerable milestone for me professionally. I can add a nice line on my resume but the important thing is that we will successfully bring a difficult and complex customer environment over the finish line and into production. Those are not easy tasks!

Leading up to this boss battle and go live, it's been a hell of a journey through the dungeon. There are lots of pitfalls and places where we are gaining experience and leveling ourselves up slowly and there are also lots of places to camp and refresh ourselves while we wait for something to happen or have a couple easy tasks we are working on and chipping away. As you get closer to the end of the dungeon and the project, the battles you are facing are more difficult and the monsters are stronger until you ultimately get to the final boss which is the whole group instead of the individuals that we have been working with.

The amusing thing is that this post has taken an entirely different turn but I actually really like the way it's turned out because it breaks down the immense challenge that I've been working on, professionally and personally, into something that is fun and lighthearted but the point of how serious and complicated it is still holds true in a lot of ways.

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Some of the people that I work with dread to get these assignments and I didn't find it the most entertaining time I've spent but it goes back to the theme of the post. These are boss battles and we are building experience and developing lessons learned, strategies for future success for myself as well as my colleagues and gaining the respect and trust of not only my colleagues and customer but the people around us as well that may not necessarily know what we are going through but if we can make it successful. These are things that I find intriguing and challenging but also a source of pride being able to take these situations and conquer them so that I can take what I did, expand upon it and develop it further for other projects and other things in life.

Just like the video game character, I'm building my stats with each small battle and every big win!

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in some aspects PC gaming is really a useful skill, butm I do like you have stepped back from it


Haha yeah it’s a good thing I did. Being the head of the household is just more important than gaming and more rewarding on so many levels so it’s taken it’s place.


Seeing the tasks you are tackling as a game where you have to go up against some kind of boss, I think will provide you enough motivation to actually pursue your goals and also reduces the stress involved in working on the goal. I wish you goodluck on achieving your goals. Please also know when to take a break from work and refresh yourself. Thanks for writing and have a great week.


Indeed thanks! It’s good to have some levity in the things that we do so that we don’t get too stressed out and eventually burned out.

I plan on taking some time off for sure! I haven’t taken a vacation in a while but I’ve got some coming up soon!


Having gone there, it seems as if we have gone into heaven.
