Data Expiration

Hi fellow Ranters,

Today I wanted to rant about how ridiculous some companies are, and expect us to just accept it!


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Data Expiration

How stupid is it in the year 2024, that a service only lets you download an incredibly short amount of information?


I know that data is a fleeting thing in a lot of ways. There is so much of it generated all day every single day. There are really important things that need to happen with that data though, and that's one of the things that is incredibly frustrating.

We have a bank that we use for some things. We don't use it primarily as we do another one but we do use it to blend the things that we are doing. It's a pretty good thing, as we are able to fluctuate what we do and put not too much risk in one area. The really fucking annoying thing about THIS specific bank though, is that it limits the data you can extract out of them!

We like to export our transactions and keep them for storage. We've had a few situations recently where we needed to look back at some expenses to figure out where something was, and it really helped that we exported them. This was an unintended consequence of what we decided to do many years ago to track just expenses for a budgeting perspective. Since then though, we have gotten to do it regularly and it's helped us figure out when we purchased something in particular, for something we needed to document in the current time.


When we looked back at this one particular banks transactions though, it was fucking stupid! They only gave you a TINY window of when they would give you the historical transactions. Every other institution we've dealt with gives you a LONG time to look back except for these fuckers. This really screwed us because we didn't realize this, we thought it was only transactions they would load on the site. NOPE. Transactions you download are subjected to the same absurd standard.

So now we are kind of fucked in a way in terms of the transactions we've made on the damn thing. This bank is also one that fucking pisses me off in another way that I ranted about a few months ago, where they make you do something separated by a timeframe instead of every other damn place that we've dealt with that doesn't care if you do things consecutively, they just want it done.

This is definitely an annoying situation and likely one where we round out the year and then cancel the fucking account. I think it's so important that we tell these companies to fuck off when they are being obnoxious. We aren't asking for insane information here, but they think they are above us little peons so they can dictate some ridiculous rules and that we should accept them and thank them for doing it. Nope, sorry bud, times have changed. You can't fuck people over and expect them to come groveling back.


What about you, have you had a situation with a bank or a company and they are incredibly stingy with information that is truly yours, and don't care about what you ask for? Let me know in the comments!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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For me, the issue I had with a bank was about a document I needed to verify proof of residence for something I was doing. It took close to two weeks before they processed for me, and I don't even remember the excuse they were dragging it about cos this was about 4 years ago, I think. I might even be ranting about this some time soon because I am infact going to need that proof of residence again sometime these days, so I'll be going to my bank later today to ask for a document that has my address on it. I would've done it at the comfort of my home, but they won't processs it quick for you in that case, and this is sort of urgent.


Yeah that's really annoying dude, I hate when they make things like that super inconvenient! Hopefully they get it squared away soon!


Thankfully I don't have any bank horror stories except for the damned slow customer service.
I'm in a bank now trying to do my unblocked card.
It's horrible and draining...

Almost an hour and I'm just watching waiting for my name to be called..


Yeah that's very frustrating to experience! It's been a while since I've had to do that but I'm old enough to remember lol


Hmm for me, I think I have just learnt to accept it. If there is anything important I make sure I keep records on my own so that I can reference next time.


Yeah we've learned that with this foolish bank but didn't realize we had to. Annoying but eventually we will tell them to screw lol
