Being Prepared
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to talk about how important it is to be prepared and be flexible.

Being Prepared
I am one that likes to try and be prepared for things, the older I get.
There are always going to be situations in life where things just don't go the way we intended them. Be it a job, relationships, friendships. We have ways in which we think of things will happen, and then we have what ends up happening in reality. There are some gaps in those two things sometimes, but the important thing is to be prepared!
I've got a few things going on, nothing really earth shattering, but things that are giving me pause. When things like this happen, I try to get into prepare mode, and start to prepare next moves and things like that. I certainly don't always intend to follow through with these things, but at the same time it's always good to be on our toes instead of caught flat footed on the ground, so they say.
I started the other day to make preparations if things end up becoming a reality. It's hard to go through that type of thing sometimes, as it was this time, but it's a bit of a cathartic situation for me. Yes I want things to straighten themselves out, and will try to make that happen, but at the same time it's so much more effective and efficient if we have everything lined up and take step 1, 2 and then 3 right off the bat. This makes life keep moving on a lot simpler.
Part of the preparations I do in any of these situations is start making a list. I make a list of all of the things that I need to do in order to accommodate for the various situations and possibilities. It may seem like overkill, but I think with how many things are going on in my head on a daily basis, I am increasingly relying on lists in order to manage things of this nature. With those lists, it expands into more topics and groups.
What started out as just 1 list, ended up becoming 2, then 4, and now it's up to 5 with various things that need to be accounted for. I think this helps me in a lot of ways because then I can go through my list and see what is done, what needs to be done and what the next steps are.
The last time I had to do this was a few years ago, and it was challenging indeed but I was prepared and was able to act in a nimble fashion. I hopped from one job to the next with very little bump in the matrix of life. I didn't want to go, most certainly, but I was left with no choice and my options were exhausted. I took the actions that I needed to take and this was really the best time for me in that it was incredibly effective with how I had organized things. Yes it sucked, but it sucked a lot less than if I was completely thrown off guard.
Ultimately, the simulation will decide which direction it pans out for me in this, but the least thing that can happen is that I am prepared for however it unfolds.
What about you, do you try to be prepared for many situations if you see something brewing under the surface? Does this help you at all if you aren't? Let me know in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Definitely. I think my rational mind is good at that, simulating worst or best case scenarios and then planning accordingly. Ever since I've heard this quote that reads the problem with not planning is failure comes as a total surprise., I've been more prepared and also plan ahead for whatever situation may come in the near future.
Yeah dude it's really important to plan and be as proactive as possible! I’m glad that you are in the mindset that it’s becoming a part of your strategy to plan ahead.