1,000 Account Token Milestone


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to celebrate a milestone I didn't think I would achieve for a long time! 1,000 hive account claim tokens!


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1,000 Account Token Milestone

Taking a little page out of Edicted's book :D.

Accounts on something like Hive are something that a lot of people take advantage of - there's not an insane amount of people on the platform like there is Fakebook and others and there's not 100,000 people or more associated and opening accounts eventually we might get to a point where there will be those numbers or more coming to the platform we call home.

If you've been around hive for a while and have a decent amount of hive power staked to your account, you will eventually be able to claim these account creation tokens. It consists of being able to use your resource credits to create an account instead of buying an account for 3 hive or asking someone else to do it for you there's nothing inherently wrong with that however being able to do it yourself is pretty cool!


I have been claiming account creation tokens for a while now, I think it starts when you get around 6,000 stake in hive power as long as you're also not delegating any of that to reduce your number eventually you'll get enough resource credits to claim this and then you can either keep doing it like how I've done it or you can claim a few and stop. I don't know if I plan on creating 1,000 accounts but you never know there is hopefully eventually going to be a way we can sell these back to the blockchain or donate them to the groups of people who create accounts like Ecency, Blocktrades, Appreciator and others so that they can continue to do these things without any issues or gaps in the tokens they have


I've been wanting to talk about my small milestone here for a bit but I've held off on it until I got to at least 1,000 tokens because it is a pretty cool number and is a little something to brag about in a good way

I'm going to keep claiming the tokens as much as I can one of the really cool and interesting things I have noticed is that the number of tomens i can claim every few days is consistently going up that's a nice thing because it shows that my account resource credits are growing, meaning my Hive Power is growing and the amount of resource credits being consumed on the system isn't incredibly substantial when the chain is very busy, I get to claim less tokens which is an interesting thought. If we are able to make calculations about how much resources are needed and used at any given time that's pretty advanced for such a busy blockchain.


For sure there are is going to be a time where Hive explodes again such as when Splinterlands needed account creation tokens for it's mooning, it's only a matter of time. Hopefully when that time comes, they've already implemented a way for me and others to donate or sell our account creation tokens! In the meantime, I'm going to continue to stack them up and keep on plugging away at the chain.

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Congratulations on your milestone and cheers to many more!🥂


Do you know how many Resource Credits an account needs to claim a token?

I know that it varies according to the number of available tokens.

HiveInvite.com used to report this data, but it has been broken for awhile.

One can try to claim the tokens on PeakD.com. It is hit or miss.

I have 10,100,405,569,125 RC credits. There has to be about 1444 available credits for me to claim a token.



That's a great plan. I actually don't know about this account creating token and features. There are many perks to being staked and vested on hive, I hope a lot of people will see this and take advantage of it..


I have never heard about claiming account creation tokens before
I’m glad this is more opportunity to earn and I’m sure I’d take part of this once I get to 6k HP
Congratulations to you!


I had totally forgotten about this.
I claimed 4 tokens yesterday night, after reading your post and made it up to 19.

Cheers for the reminder! ;<)


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