Time doesn't love you anymore

Time. A song by Mikky Ekko that I love. There he says that "Time doesn't love you anymore". It's been already a week since I dont post anything on the Hive Ecosystem, and the ungrateful time has given me lots of things to think of.

This getaway from Hive started as an initiative of a friend. We all know how things got in Venezuela after the elections, and since most of curators we interact with come from there, we decided it was better to make a stop until this Monday in order to show solidarity. Is a week enough to break a habit? I think so, because I'm struggling in my writing now that I'm back...

Even though it was good to make some space for the friends of Venezuela, I spent the whole week questioning if I was taking the right decision. And I started to question myself thinking that that was an selfish thought. But my point is, what if someone needed a getaway too? What if someone wanted to know someone else's experiences to relieve any pain due to stress?

Anyways, I did nothing and tried to rest. Now I realize the power of social media, because you can reach too many people, and you can use it to make them feel better in ways you don't even suspect.

Now I'm remembering an Instagram reel of a Mexican influencer. He always reminds his followers that we are all going to die. Might sound pessimistic, but this is the reminder we need to remember ourselves to go out there and give our best to the world, because time doesn't love any of us.

Now I just decided to stop waiting for things that are out of my control. I've been so disorganized these last few months, and I think this is the right moment to be more responsible with myself, so that I can achievement all the dreams I have.

This post was a kind of exercise that I needed to do. Writing down our thoughts has such a relaxation power on our nervous systems! Hope you try it as much as possible, I also hope you liked this post too.

The photo used in this post is my own
This post is AI free

Until next Time!

PS: If you got curious and you want to listen to the song, I'll leave the link down here:
