Paradigms about alcohol.

Reviewing the topics for this weekend's initiative I came across one that caught my attention a lot, because it's something I live surrounded by, and yes, I'm talking about alcohol.

I find it funny how the prompt suggests social pressure as one of the reasons for drinking alcohol. Then I ask myself, why do I drink alcohol?

It's a very interesting question. It turns out that in Cuba there are no age restrictions for drinking alcoholic beverages (except in establishments, where they usually do not prepare drinks for children under 16). So you can find under 15s getting drunk, which I have to admit was the case for me. It is a tradition to drink at popular festivals, and so, in the first instance, I drank alcohol to match the energy of those around me.

However, I was growing and discovering myself. I learned that it was not necessary to drink to have fun, but there are still times that "the body asks for it" or so I say to that strange thirst that appears from time to time. I also learned that I personally enjoy white rum more than beer, but I prefer spirits, wines and sweet drinks even more. Anyway, it's more affordable to drink beer at a party, so I'm not ruling it out either.

On the other hand, something that made me rethink my experience with alcoholic beverages was the fact of tasting the whiskey that is in the photo for the first time.

I have never tried a drink with wooden tones. From the first time we uncorked the bottle at home I felt a strong smell of cedar, which shocked me a lot. The taste is worth praising, it was something that from the first instant completely melted my throat. I have never had such an experience before! Since then my paradigm regarding alcohol completely changed, because I understood that it is something that I really should enjoy calmly, tasting each of the shades that the producers strove to obtain.

This Sunday, as I take the last sip of whiskey, I would like to know about your experiences with alcohol. I also hope you liked this post. Until next time!

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