Hugs: the best action in the day.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

Wendy Mass

It was Saturday morning. I was on ny way to a poetry workshop and a book presentation. When I'm hurried (as I was that day) I don't usually focus on what is happening around me, I rather to stay on my mental monologue. Anyways, this Saturday, something really beautiful caught my attention.

On my city there's a theatre group called "Mirrors Playback Theatre", and as it name says they dedicate their art to the Playback Theatre, a modality that gives to this art discipline a whole new meaning (you should really investigate about it). I've been on several performances of them and they always bring my tears out. Anyways, the leader of this group, Mileidis, is someone special for me, cause she's the mother of one of my best friends ever.

The thing is, I was walking down Enramadas Street (one of the principal streets on Santiago de Cuba City) and I just saw in a corner to Mileidis and her group making a hug giveaway. Then, I couldn't help but going there and giving everyone a huge hug.

Their initiative was actually amazing, I think. In first place, people from Santiago de Cuba City are not used to watch anyone holding a banner that says "Hugs for Free", neither a theatre group calling you to receive a hug. Also, they really studied their possibilities. They chose a Saturday, and they stepped in this specific street, so that they assured that thousand of people would at least see them, even though they wanted to receive a hug or no. And they were wearing green shirt, which is supposed to be a Hope's symbol. They jusy applied all the tricks they knew to make sure they had a successful intervention.

When I walked for the first time I didn't have too time, so I leaved quickly, but when my poetry worshop ended, I came back. In that second moment Mileidis had left, but the other guys were still there. In that moment I took the opportunity to watch their work closer. I realized that they were really changing people's reality, and they made too many people smile! Something as unexpected as this can really improve your mood for the day. I also took some pictures that later I sent to them (I literally fell in love with the sequence I'm sharing through the post).

Now I'm just happy that I was able to see something like this. Kindness is an option that makes the world brighter when we choose it. Mirrors Playback Theatre knew it so well, and I got a new life lesson. So I hope you guys start to be more kind from now on and start to hug people more often (they don't have to be strangers, though). This is all for this Weekend Experience, hope you have enjoyed it 😊.

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All the photos used are my own
