Just walk away from trouble



Sometimes if not most times, allow sleeping dogs lie. Trouble doesn't pay!

Some days ago a woman had a minor accident somewhere around Karu axis in Abuja.
The woman picked her phone and called her husband. The visibly angry husband told the wife to stay and make sure the id*ot who she had the accident with does not leave. Do everything possible to keep him there I am coming he said... Passers-by tried to beg her to forgive the man who scratched her car but all their efforts proved abortive.

She kept talking at the top of her voice.. Do you know who I am? I will show you today. How dare you hit me from hehind? Even a blind man cannot drive the way you drove and almost broke my break light. What nonsense! As she was raking, she was also moving up and down like a pendulum bob.

A few minutes later a trailer came along and cleared all of them, killed (the woman, the other guy and on lookers) before the husband got there.

In other words, he indirectly killed his wife because of an accident and dent on a car that can be bought or repaired.

This....do you know who I am?, can kill!
Leave the wahala, walk away...

For your sanctity, your health, your well being and for your spirituality, leave trouble walk away...

Sometimes, forget the fight and move on..

Thanks for reading.
This is ckole the laughinggas.
One love


My goodness! They were all killed. That's terrible.
Forgiveness often has better results than revenge. It brings bliss to us before it brings to the other person


They all died, and some people trying to calm the woman died too. It was a very fatal accident. It's always good to forgive, and move on. If she had forgiven the man, they would have left the scene before the trailer lost it's break.
