Humanity over morality



Pass me the "pasa" so that the anointing may flow, and let the contents of the spirit begin to download

He was born into faith. He chose to serve God fervently. He was chaste and lived a life worthy of emulation. He avoided sin and abhorred everything that God condemned. When he was dating, he did not so much as kiss his girlfriend. He waited until marriage before parting the Red Sea. He did right by his faith.

He also raised his children with a strong moral code, sharing stories of faith with them. He taught them to find sin repugnant.

But when his daughter got pregnant before marriage, he felt as though his world had collapsed. He saw it as divine punishment. He disowned her and nearly threw his wife out, blaming her for their daughter's "sin." Shame consumed him. How could she bring such disgrace upon him?

His daughter begged for his forgiveness, but his heart remained hardened. With no other choice, she moved on with her life, yearning for her father’s love but accepting her reality. She gave birth and built a life of her own.

One night, he had a troubling dream. Restless, he woke his wife and asked her to bring their daughter to him. That day, he wept—deeply, bitterly—for the pain he had inflicted on his family and himself.

What changed him?

In his dream, an entity had whispered:

"Humanity over morality."

He pondered those words and chose to do the right thing.

Humanity over morality…

Humanity before religion…

Humanity first…

"Let's yarn for the spirit of humanity."
