How technology is changing the way we change value



We all know what money is! It's an essential part of our lives, and we’ve all experienced the thrill of purchasing something we love with it. Every day, we work hard to earn money because it helps us meet our basic needs and enjoy life’s little pleasures!

Once upon a time in Nigeria, before the concept of money was introduced, people engaged in a fascinating system called trade by barter. Imagine a world where goods were exchanged directly! If you had juicy meat and craved delicious yam, you would set out to find someone who had yam and needed meat—what a fun and adventurous challenge!

With this system, exchanges could be a bit tedious, but it was also full of connections. Then came the amazing transition to using cowries as a means of exchange in Nigeria! Cowries are beautiful white shells from aquatic creatures, and they bring a whole new joy to transactions. Can you picture it? Twenty cowries bundled together is called a head! So, if you wanted to buy two tubers of yam, you’d trade a head of cowries—how delightful!

As time passed, the 19th century brought even more excitement with the introduction of metal currency like copper and silver coins. The combination of cowries and metal coins created a bustling market! People could finally say goodbye to heavy bags of shells, making transactions easier and more fun.

Fast forward to today! We now have colorful paper money, and the digital age has gifted us with electronic transactions and even cryptocurrency! Who knows what brilliant advancements await us in the future? Just like in the movie In Time, we might find ourselves in a world where we won’t need to rely on traditional means of exchange anymore.

Isn’t it exhilarating to think about? The possibilities are endless, and I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds for us in the world of finance. What are your thoughts?

Thanks for reading.
This is ckole the laughinggas.
One love.
