False prophesy, true consequences.

Tunde left his home early in the morning. He got to the home of his employer of 18 years. He knocked the gate. He was let in. When he knocked the door, his employer came out. His employer was surprised to see him. He had given Tunde time off to enjoy the holidays, and before the break, he made sure Tunde didn't lack anything. He paid him well, gave him enough food stuff that would sustain his family for months, and also blessed him with a new year package (fat evelope).
“Tunde, I hope there is no problem? Do you have an emergency?” He enquired.
Tunde looked at his boss. “Mr Oje, I have come to resign. God has revealed your wickedness to me. You have been using my destiny for the past 18 years. I thought you were a nice man. You've been increasing my salary, assisting me, doing good to me, all in pretex that you like me. So it is my glory from heaven you were using. Madam will be serving me food, and I will be happy, smiling like a sun after a rainy day. God has shown me the truth. Don’t expect me again. Find another person to use their destiny. God has liberated me”
Saying that.. Tunde walked away. Mr Oje looked at him in disbelief as he walked. When did Tunde start to drink alcohol? He shook his head and went upstairs to narrate the story to his wife.
Tunde went home. Narrated the story to his wife. He had done as he was instructed by a powerful Man of God that had prophesied to his life after the end of year fasting and prayer. He felt liberated.
Time passed. Tunde couldn’t find a job as a driver. He started another career. Things were very tough. He was soon sacked from the job. He had no stamina for heavy lifting. His poverty became worse. His children were thrown out of school. There was no Mr Oje to assist in paying the fees. His condition nosedived. He became hypertensive. His inability to afford drugs soon left him paralyzed. He suffered an ischemic stroke.
The fake Man of God had stopped giving him attention. He couldn’t pay for special prayers or give special offerings. He was surprised that he no longer had access to the MoG.
Mr Oje leant of his condition and sent him money. Then paid for his rehabilitation sessions. He did not forget the 18 years of loyalty. He placed him on an allowance and continued paying the fees of Mr Tunde’s kids.
Tunde died after suffering a second stroke. He did apologise to Mr Oje before he passed on.
Before his death, he called his children and advised them.
"Not all you hear concerning you is true. It’s false most of the time. You become the product of what you hear and believe. Your destiny is in your palm. Only you can read it if you follow the path. Don't allow anyone to decieve you because no one can see your future".
Mr Oje became the family's pillar after the demise of Tunde.
Thanks for reading
Thus is ckole the laughinggas
One love
Yeah that true bother i also has something related but I believe in my own destiny