Conscience in crisis

Why is it that some people have the mind to do bad without feeling it? If I lie or hurt others, I won't feel okay cos I'll be disturbed. But that's the way of life of some people so far it gives them what they want. I pondered over this while I was reminiscing on my bed about to bid the day farewell to another day, and I came up with this...
Naturally, some people are empathetic. When they see others going through difficulties, they feel the pain. They don't like seeing others suffer at all, even when no one cares about their well-being. People like that feel the pain of others, and easily have a sense of guilt whenever they go wrong. However, some people don't care about how others feel because they've conditioned themselves to put what pleases them first before any other thing, even if it's wrong.
Morality has become immoral to them. Quite a number have reasons that are embedded. This may be as a result of the environment they grew in, past experiences, or even pationality trait.
Some keep getting away with doing bad things, and that makes them believe it will continue, so they give no damn as they perpetrate their evil since it pays and there are no consequences.
If they're no consequence now, that doesn't mean it's a guarantee to misbehave having no human feelings. No matter how it looks, wrongdoing has a way of catching up with people. But most times, when the consequences arrive, we might not decode the reasons behind what we're going through at that moment.
Making our conscience active really matters. If you find yourself in the category of those who no longer feel anything when they do wrong, you can still get yourself back to prevent innocent people from suffering from your brutality.
Let's mind the way we deal with people henceforth if we are caught in this web. Instead of others suffering from what they are innocent of, why not just give it to those who deserve it? This might not sound pretty cool because we all want peace, but instead of breaking that coconut on the head of the innocent, do justice to that who deserves it without transferring aggression to others.
Thanks for reading
This is ckole thelaughinggas
One love.