Welcome to our curation compilation of sensational stories!

Community members around the globe contributed some fantastic original tales this week, centred around the one true elixir of life- coffee! We enjoyed the passion in these posts, and as all good coffee pals do, we wanted to share a cup of them with you!
Cinnamon Cup Coffee is centred around creating a virtual coffeehouse environment, which energizes its occupants with the digital ambience of coffee creativity. We hope you will adore these posts as much as we did.
If you find inspiration in them too, why not amplify the love? Sharing our joy through chatting with other authors is the next best thing to buying them a cup of coffee. What a perfect way to thank them for a great read!

Awesome Blogs Section.gif

Tasting coffees at The Creek Cafe, Hubli, India.

✨"I know it’s been a long time since I’ve last posted but I’ve been working on some new projects at the farm. I can’t wait to share about them in my future posts. Although today I want to share about my trip to Hubli, which is a tiny place with roads just like Bangalore. I’d been there for my cousins wedding and... " @coffeenlove

Light and coffee: a friendly dialogue

✨"Somewhere I read that light caused serotinin to be triggered in our system. I don't know if this is a statement with scientific rigour, but it certainly has spiritual validity for me. Light energizes me, makes my body feel good in many different ways... " @adncabrera

Illuminated cafeteria //The Coffee Shop Prompt #46

✨"In a small and radiant city there are many places where they offer good coffee, I like to visit them, I like the variety, because each of these places have their charms that determines if you visit them again and you become customers, there are many reasons why you come back, but today I will focus on their physical aspect as is the case of its lighting. " @wendyth16

A Delicious Artisan Espresso Coffee Quesillo

✨"Hello friends, tasters of the richest beverage in the world, that besides being able to drink it in its liquid state with the fruit of coffee we can also prepare delicious desserts with that characteristic flavor of good coffee. In my previous post I shared with you about the artisan coffee that my father gave me as a gift during the visit I made to him... " @mariela-b

A coffee among Hivers in Apure

✨"Today was a day of walking, I had a long time without walking the streets of my hometown, so I decided to invite @rosmiapure a nice cup of coffee, so that she feels much more eager to visit me when I return. " @crisch23

Signature Coffee of Judal Jadul Coffee Shop, Buy 1 Get 1 Free

✨" In a mall you can chose so many coffeeshops like I have done in Senayan Park Mall. After looking around the mall, I end up with Judal Jadul Coffeeshop due their promotion attracted me. It was buy 1 drink get free another drink. At first I confused to chosen what variant that I want to drink there." @viviehardika


✨"There are several ways to enjoy an early morning coffee. Some people can choose to use a French press or coffee machine at home to brew their coffee while Some could decide to get their coffee brewed by a coffee maker at a nearby café or coffee shop. Starting my day with a cup of coffee at home can be so warm and inviting routine... " @eunice9200


✨"A few days ago my youngest daughter traveled to Colombia to the city of Bogota and asked me what I wanted her to bring me from there, I immediately told her "A COFFEE MY LOVE", since it has always been said that Colombian coffees are very good. " @tibilopez

A coffee at house

✨" I wanted to have my afternoon coffee in a place where I felt at home, and I found Madiba House. Like all lovers of the precious liquid, I felt the smell of freshly brewed coffee walking down República Street - one of the main arteries of the city of Camagüey - and my feet, in sync with my mind, made me climb the stairs at the entrance." @indipnash91

Coffee by the Sea and in the village and a trip to a bookstore

✨"This little postcard is my daily morning ritual of a fire and coffee followed by a day out. Having errands to run, I stopped at the new chain book store location. I prefer and often frequent our small independent bookshops (some not quite small) but as Barnes and Noble is now owned by Waterstones, they are opening smaller locations that focus on local books, authors and give a free reign to the staff to display their own favorites and such. " @donnadavisart

Thank you for checking out #TheGrind, 3Cs Coffee Curation of awesome coffee posts from the community.

If you are a coffee lover and looking for somewhere to share your experiences, please check out Cinnamon Cup Coffee and subscribe right here.

The Coffee Shop Prompt Real Stories and personal photography Thursday to Wednesday Coffee Conversation a Networking Commenting Event Saturday to Monday Spill The Beans a Creative Coffee Stories Wr.jpg



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Delegations to the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community is welcome, by sending them to @cinnccf or @hive-152524, our community's account.


Thank you so much for your support @cinnccf 🥰. It is a pleasure to share my coffee here.


You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-3.jpg
Image belongs to millycf1976


Thank you for including my post in such good company. It is very motivating to see my modest reflection in such an amazing selection of authors.


It's our pleasure, as we do like to support authors who take great pride in their work, as it helps to keep to community's standard high:)
You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-5.jpg
Image belongs to millycf1976


Thanks for the support, always so motivating. Greetings!😉
