Best of the Beanies | Week 54

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Welcome to the Best of the Beanies, a curation compilation of some of the top stories from this week's Spill The Beans Creative Writing Prompt.

These authors gave us some amazing content, and we would like to highlight them. We hope that you will take a look at the posts and perhaps vote or leave a comment or a tip for the authors.

The Best of the Beanies, in no particular order - they were all so good!

Inside My Granny's Old Little Jewelry Box by @marlyncabrera

I’m going to the kitchen now. I must move, stupefied and all.
Surely a cup of steaming black coffee, real coffee, will snap me out of my madness. I knew that so many sleepless nights would get to me someday. As I enter the kitchen, my peripheral vision deceives me; things aren’t where they should be; many others are missing. I don't feel like turning around to see that I’ve gone mad; besides, I hadn’t realized it before, but I’m really thirsty.

One Coupon, A Thousand Pieces! by @deraaa

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The box of old gifts stares back at me, and my heart breaks all over again when I see a coupon. An old coupon from his favourite coffee shop. Dave loved coffee. I woke him up each morning with one and he’d always kiss me before taking a sip.

Here it will rain coffee? by @verdesmeralda

I approached my face towards the big opening and I felt a very hot hand squeeze it tightly, my nose was so squashed that I could hardly breathe, I was totally paralyzed although my heart was beating with the haste of a galloping horse.
I went into a kind of spiral and when I could move I was in what looked like a coffee shop, the strange thing was that people were consuming water.

The hand of coffee dimension by @germanandradeg

I couldn't believe my eyes. I was in a strange world and from what I could see, coffee was the predominant factor. Everything revolved around it.
I looked for some sign to tell me where I was but saw nothing familiar.
I felt confused and scared. I wanted to escape, but I didn't know how.

Land of the Coffeasts by @diikaan


Manga then decided to give me a tour of the caffeine-driven realm. As we strolled through its streets, I watched as Coffeehouses served up not just pastries but entire meals made of various coffee-themed ingredients. Coffee cars roared down streets, emitting espresso fumes and leaving latte art in their wake.

The closet by @irvinc

Driven by curiosity I tasted that thing and to my surprise it was coffee. Yes, the same coffee we all know. At first, I thought it was wonderful, having coffee available at any time, just by turning on the faucet was great. But my thirst did not disappear, I looked here and there and there was no container with water...

The secret of the coffee cup in cyber by @chacald.dcymt

My eyes opened like the full moon and I turned to look for Alberto who stood behind the counter with his mischievous smile. He winked at me and I finished enjoying my drink to the last drop.
When the class was over, I asked him what was this concoction that had filled me with energy and made me feel alive and happy. Alberto laughed and told me: It's called coffee and every morning there will be an extra cup waiting for you for the most beautiful girl in town. I blushed and handed over my empty cup.

Running To You by @rukkie

What I love most about taking coffee is that I get to have it wherever I am. I have this thermos flask where I pour in my coffee after brewing it so that it remains hot till I am ready to take it.
I have a mug I keep at work where I pour the coffee I have prepared in my thermos flask. Sometimes when I am out but not at work, I can use the cover of the flask to take my coffee or just sip it directly. Either way, I get to enjoy my coffee anywhere I go.

Coffee Nation by @ibbtammy

“Dear lady, every year the coffee nation chooses one human to honor and this time we chose you because we saw how much you love your coffee, how much you care about others and you are a good person, our plan was never to scare you but for you to enjoy with us over here for some weeks before you head back to your human world”.

Coffee became free !!! it was a semi-reality or semi-dream🤔? by @intishar

I was shocked and asked a person why coffee was pouring from the tap. The reply was "It's a very natural thing and why you are surprised to see it, it's coffee, not the water for what you need to pay". I again said "What ?? one needs to pay for water!!??" The man became angry and said, "Are you a fool? And why are you asking ridiculous questions?" and he left.

Well, that's it for the Best of the Beanies for last week's prompt.

A special thanks to everyone who supports the Spill The Beans initiative by voting, reblogging, and commenting. We would especially like to thank all of the authors who took the time to participate in this week's prompt!

Once again, thank you for checking out the #BestOfTheBeanies, a compilation of the best entries of this week's Creative Writing Club.

If you are a lover of writing and would like to practice your creative writing to improve your skills, we would like to invite you to come on over and check out the new prompt every Sunday. If you are a coffee lover and looking for somewhere to share your experiences, please check out Cinnamon Cup Coffee and subscribe right here.

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Hehe. I am honored to see my name here. It's very inspirational for me and it will motivate me to keep improving the quality of my post. Thank you very much for it.


What a wonderful collection! It's so nice that the best of the week are all compiled for us. Congrats to everyone who's post was selected for the highlights!


Thank you. A good selection miy, what an honor to be on the list. ☕☕
