My best equipment.


Good day! The amazing people of the hive block chain welcome back to my block.


I have really purchased a lot of equipment for home use, but this particular equipment I bought really means a lot to me. Before, I blended my things manually anytime I wanted to work. Getting this blender really made life easy for me. The world has really changed, and things have been easy for people living in the world.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and I was thinking about what I would gift myself during this season of love. I went to a gadget shop yesterday, and when I came back from school, I purchased a laptop for myself. I have been longing to have a laptop, but I find it hard to do so because I don’t have the money.


This laptop will really be of help to me both in school and blockchain. I don’t have a good smart phone, but with this laptop, writing will be easy for me. The world is really changing. I would say that 30 years ago, it was only desktop computers that were in existence, but today we have laptops that you can easily carry around to wherever you are going. I would say that this is the best equipment I have bought for myself. Although it is not a new laptop, it is fairly used and will really help me a lot in school and blockchain. Getting this laptop yesterday made me fulfilled and happy because this laptop will really make work easy for me.

I have some other equipment at home, but this laptop and blender are the ones I have bought so far. One thing about me is that if I am purchasing any equipment, I make sure I go for the best because I don’t have the strength to visit a repair shop.

What is the best equipment you have for every purchase? I would like to know your best purchase equipment.

This is my response to the monthly prompt #februaryinleo: the best equipment I have bought.

All pictures are mine.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha
