How i cope with societal pressure


Good day, amazing people of the hive block chain. Welcome back to my blog.

Societal pressure is the influence exerted on someone by another person. In some cases, the pressure may be a push towards achieving something great.



As humans, we might face societal pressure, either from our peer group or from family.

When you talk about people facing societal pressure, I should be at the top of the list. Handling pressure from home is not fun at all. I am undergoing serious pressure from my family. The pressure increases on a daily basis. Each morning I wake up and prepare my mind for the pressure of that day. Seriously, the pressure is really driving me crazy.

You will be asking what pressure is driving this young lady crazy. The pressure is marriage. For me, this is the worst pressure any single lady should face because it will make the house unbearable for you.

The way Africa's mothers are mounting pressure on the ladies is getting out of hand. One's, you are twenty-five and you are still not married. The law will not allow you to have peace of mind. Marriage has become the order of the day. My mother keeps telling me, Cindy, that all our mates are married and you are still here with me.

Last week, when I came back from work, I saw my mom crying. You will be surprised if I tell you why my mom was crying. She was crying because I am still single and she wants grandchildren from me. At that point, I was very shocked when I found out why my mom was crying. That was when I realized that the pressure this time around will not be fun. I have prepared my mind for it.

Seriously, African parents should stop mounting pressure on the young ladies; it is really getting out of hand, especially when it comes to marriage. They should not mount pressure on their female child.

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How do I cope with the pressure?

If I say that the pressure is not affecting me, I will be lying; the pressure is really becoming unbearable for me.

I map out some measures on how to handle the pressure from home.

  • Prayer: In a situation like this, my help will only come from God; I need his direction for me to be able to handle the pressure I am facing at home.

  • Self-confidence: building myself confidence is what really keeps me moving. With this confidence, I was able to control every pressure that is coming from home. Self-confidence helps me to stand firm no matter the pressure from home. I am able to handle it.

  • Making myself happy: happiness is really the key that helps me cope with the pressure. No matter what my mom tells me, I try my best to be happy. Whenever I am facing pressure, happiness really helps me to cope.

  • I visit a counselor to guide me on how to handle the family pressure.

Societal pressure is very bad. Most times, it can put one into depression. Say no to societal pressure.

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments, support, and upvotes.


Only God knows who start this pressure mounting of a thing that has now become tradition on females for marriage, it really getting out of hand. I'm also sick and tired of this pressure, anytime I told my Mom that I'm attending wedding of my friend, problem will start at home.

These people should allow us breath oooo, nah single we single, we no kill person🤣🤣🤣


Very bad.
Honestly speaking, I didn't enjoy the whole pressure here at all because it could lead to what no one ever expect of.
You just have to be yourself and prepare yourself my friend. I'm glad you visited the council to guide you on overcoming the situation and I really believe it's going to help you!
