My first day at the theatre
Some part of our lives are just forever engrossed in our hearts, especially Parts that depict a certain stage of growth in our lives. Well, for me, it was a certain day, a day when I saw my dreams come alive right before my eyes. A day when my vision seemed to be a reality and not an expectation.
This was my first day in the theatre as a clinical medical student.
Growing, I always had the desire to be someone great in the future. I envisaged myself doing things of substance, I wanted to be an asset to the world and not a liability. I wanted to influence lives through any means.
One of my greatest fears was being a nobody, living in the shadows of others and not offering any value to the people you love. But that fear was mitigated after my admission to study medicine in the university about 7 years ago. My mum celebrated in her usual unique ways: dinner and most importantly, prayers! Yeah you heard me right, prayers has always been her coping mechanism through the storms of life and she held on to it even in her happiest and most joyful moments.
Years into the university, I wrote my pre-clinical exams which qualified us to proceed into the clinical stage of medicine. It was a joyful moment to behold and I can still visualize some snippet of my life the day I entered into the theatre with my scrubs.
I took pictures with my friends and colleagues. We laughed, walked around and glared at the amazing equipments in awe.
Another picture I took
We acted like little kids seeing a candy for the first time. We witnessed various surgical procedures like: myomectomy (for removal of fibroids) and prostatectomy(for prostrate cancer removal).
It was a beautiful moment to behold. I remember that day like it was yesterday, the laughter on our faces, the enthusiasm and life embedded in our hearts. Asides the joy, there was this feeling, should I say the fear of seeing people's skin and muscles being cut through and operated on? Or just the fear of blood? I really can't tell.
It was almost like we paid a visit to the mountain tops for sight seeing. I marveled at the science of medicine and the magical healing power wielded by men. For me, it was something to behold and learn from. Although for some, it was quite different. A friend of mine puked just outside the theatre room during surgery. Well, I guess we all have our different reactions to something being encountered for the first time.
It was a beautiful feeling, an amazing one. It marked an important point in my life...
it was the beginning of my journey to greatness!
Nothing gives more joy than realization of one's dream, I bet it must have been an awesome experience.
It was an awesome experience indeed. Nothing can surpass this feeling, the feeling that you're just a step closer to the one thing that means the world to you.
Thanks for reading through, greetings!
Greater heights
Thank you dear