The Unexpected Ingratitude

Being a pastor’s wife has made me experience different reactions from different people. So reactions could make one thing of ignoring others who come his or her way because of how someone might have paid such a person with the wrong side of the coin. The joy of knowing that whatever we do to others is like a seed which will germinate and bear fruits that the one who planted it will reap. This is why we teach people about the law of Kama.

Kindness Is A Virtue

Kindness is a virtue. It is worth cultivating. The totality of our life’s reflection depends on our character. The character we possess depends on the various qualities and virtues we cultivate. Kindness is one of the attributes that reflect a good character.
Being kind is what every human should do. We should show kindness to our fellow humans. We should not be unconcerned with what is happening to others around us. It is worth doing that we have a heart that thinks about the well being of others.

I have had several experiences of doing good to people and they turn out to pay you back with evil. Some would do something worse than merely saying they don't appreciate it. It would just have been an act of ingratitude if someone refuses to appreciate the kindness that you have done to him. But it is a more painful scenario when the person you have done good to turns back to pay you back with evil.

The Horrible Experience

I had a lady who just started worshiping with us in those days. When she came, we began to get along happily. We became friends and she used to visit me more often. Our relationship grew gradually and I believed her to be a true friend. Then something happened.

One day I heard her talk about how she entered into a business with someone who turned out to dupe her. She was going to those people not knowing that they were not honest with her. When I heard the story I pitied her. Since I have had a little knowledge about the business she was talking about, I decided to help her. I took her to the people I knew could help her. She was helped and what she has been struggling with for years was sorted out in about two weeks.

To my surprise, this lady changed her attitude towards me. She even came up to pick a quarrel with me. The good I did to her turned to a fight. She and the husband even went as far as insulting my husband. I was shocked. So, the person I just helped to solve a problem she was battling with for years could turn back to fight me. That was not a pleasant experience. There are many other experiences like this.

It Is Noble To Keep The Tempo

When one is repaid evil for the kindness he has done to someone, there is the tendency of withdrawing from helping others. This should not be the trend. Sometimes, the bad experience we encounter with others can make us close the door of help against others. Let us not stop doing good to others.

**_This is my entry for the Day 2 for inloe writing prompts. for September. The link to the prompt is here

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