The Christian Life Is A Life Of Prayers. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW

1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV) I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

The christian life is a life of prayers. We are a people of prayer. We live and walk by prayers.

Our Means Of Communication

We talk to God through prayers. Praying is just like talking to someone. It is because it involves talking to a deity that is why it is termed prayer. We relate with God through prayers. This is why the christian life is a life of prayers. Through prayers we discuss with our Father in heaven. We tell him everything that is inconvenient with us.

Praying Also For Others

According to Bro Eli Soriano, we pray for others as we also pray for ourselves. We pray for ourselves and for those of our immediate household. We should always know that we have a responsibility of praying for everyone and everything. We pray for those around us who need the help of God. We also pray for those who are in government. We should pray for them that they should lead us we'll. We should not be negligent in rendering this noble duty of staying in the place of prayers.

Prayer, The Solution To The World’s Problem

Prayer is the solution and will always be the solution to the differs problems in the world. The world is rocked with terrible problems in every sector. We have insecurity problem; we have economic problems and many more of such. It is only God that will help us over all these troubles. We should take it to God in prayers. We should stand in the place of prayers and pray that we will lead a happy and peaceful life in this world.


Yes sister.i truly believe that prayer is the key and weapon we can use to arrest any situation and trials which may tries to come to us as Gods children we are
