Ideology Of The Bible. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.
The Bible does not recognize the word “ideology”. Bro Eli Soriano opened my eyes to this fact through this video. I have come to know that we are not believing ideologies or philosophies of men. We are believers in the Word of God. The Bible contains the Word of God. The word of God is the precepts of God. God gives His word for everyone to follow the same.
Ideologies are based on human understanding. An ideology of a particular group of people is based on what they have come to accept. They are concepts which men accept which are not acceptable before God. There are philosophical beliefs that are contrary to what God wants. So, we are not those who serve God by the ideologies of men. We serve God according to what the Bible teaches.
The Bible way is the commandments of God. God shows us what we should do based on what is written in the Bible. When we follow the doctrines of God in the Bible, we will understand what is the way of God.