You live in me as I live in you



You live in me as I live in you
as a present past
my present that is not past
for not forgetting
Divine memories and I still think of your love
I always think of you
Now that you're not by my side, I can say that I loved you
So much love and life separated us
Pride, pride, rage or jealousy
continue on different paths despite the pain
Distance and absence make pain and love great.
In my heart and soul you're still mine and I'm yours
My heart full of gratitude
For you, for me, for all
Love carries an immensity of forgiveness
Love is the wound that never closes. It never heals
If oblivion comes..... It was not love
Forgive me as I forgive you
Living apart was a great punishment
If ever I was or we were unjust was for and with love
In my soul I carry you and will always carry you with me
Why I always love you and will love you until my last Goodbye
