Today my pen is in mourning



Today I wanted to write a promise
and I couldn't, the spell was broken,
the magic ended, the love ended,
today a promise was broken,
that was made with the heart
today I write very sad verses,
perhaps they announce a farewell,
Today my pen is in mourning,
Inspiration wants to leave.
Today everything has been put on pause,
in a cold and very hurtful emptiness,
everything was left in shadows, nothing more.
I don't know what will happen in the future,
I don't know what will happen in the future, if I'll write about love again
Or if inspiration will return to my life,
The one that gave me calm and joy
and many reasons to smile,
Today I want to write some verses,
full of love and feeling
that will remain in my memory,
so that someday, this will remain
as a memory, of what happened.
What I feel for you now,
are not sad feelings
they are moments where I have lived
a period of great tranquility
and after that tranquility
maybe I will write poetry again
to write beautiful love verses
those that when I dedicated them to you, I would smile
Because they filled my soul with you. !!!!!
