
Green and White Minimalist Nature Travel Vlog Youtube Thumbnail_20240927_110827_0000.png

Life is like a golden treasure and a serene Eden if only you understand who you are and what you're living for.
Life engraves so many things which includes the good and the bad but out of all things that surrounds life is our purpose for living and fulfilment found. This leads me to saying that you can be who you want to be only if you believe in who you are and where you're going to.

Basically, there is no successful journey without its own story, and its good and bad times. Success is a journey that can't be achieved without determination, focus, faith in yourself and mentorship.

Success in life goes hand in hand with who you learn from and who you look up to.

Learning and knowledge precede success. Success is not built on ignorance. It is the result of continuous effort and trial, which eventually leads to a breakthrough.

Success can be likened to the process of getting pregnant which starts with the insemination of a man's semen into the woman. What I'm saying in essence is the journey to a successful life can begin with something as seemingly insignificant as the droplet of a man's body fluid on the woman's egg which eventually leads to fertilization and subsequently a child. You can't expect to grow a plant without following the process of propagation which can be burying a tiny seed into the soil. Right?

Success begins with starting with what you have.

Success is like a seed that needs to be watered to growth after planting. The more you water and expose it to sunlight, the more it blossoms. Although it might take time but the results will be worth the efforts.

Dear friends, it is in this same light that success is. Success is not a one time thing. It is continuous,so you don't have to give up on that business or whatever you are doing that is not thriving yet. Continue because there promises to be better days ahead.

Like I said earlier that the path to success is hinged on specific qualities - determination,focus, faith in yourself and mentorship. In leu of this I would like to take them one after the other.
Kindly stay with me 😊


Determination in my word is taking a decision to do a particular thing, investing all your heart and mind to it without biased or doubt. Determination also has to do with making what you invest in your priority.
Determination makes you understand that there can be challenges and issues along your path in life but knowing where you are going and your end goal will keep you moving. Determination opens up the space of not giving in to negative attitudes that may want to distract you.

I'll like to take a pause here to continue in my next post. This blog is already getting longer than I planned.

I hope you enjoyed reading. Don't forget to share your thoughts with me in the comments section.

Thanks for reading through.
Photo credit:Canva,Youtube Travel Vlog.
